Astral Travel - The Truth Will Set You Free!

By Joe M Burns

Think back to the last time you had one of those dreams where you're flying and you'll be able to get a sense of what astral travel is like. When your astral body is exploring, this is how it makes its way around. It's like flying, but you can be anywhere you want to be instantly; all you have to do is to focus on it. While your physical body and your mind are at rest, your astral body is free to set off and allow you to experience astral travel.

Although we may astral travel while we are asleep, it should not be mistaken for dreaming. Dreaming is quite different, since it happens entirely within your brain as it goes over what has happened that day, placing things into context and allowing you to get past them and awake rested the next day. Your dreams may or may not be remembered after you awake, which is an important difference between astral travel and dreaming.

When you remember your dreams in every vivid detail, these are most likely not dreams at all but were experiences with astral travel. It's a good idea to get into the habit of keeping a journal of these experiences. The things you write down may not make much sense at first, but over time will form a contextual background which makes their meaning clear.

Just as dreams allow your mind to process your day, astral travel refreshes the spirit. The experiences you have and the benefits you'll see as a result of astral travel are unique to you. This makes keeping an astral travel journal a good idea, since comparing your results to those of someone else is of little value.

One of the benefits of astral travel common to everyone who practices this ability is an increased sense of self awareness and a better idea of where you fit into the rest of the universe. This helps you have inner peace and enhances your sense of well being. Memory and general mental acuity are also commonly improved by astral travel due to normally unused parts of your mind being accessed as you astral project.

In many people, astral travel leads to the surfacing of other latent psychic abilities. After gaining some experience with astral travel, a lot of people claim to have developed telepathy and the ability to sense spirits near them.

Astral travel can not only take you to places you'd never otherwise see, but also takes you into yourself and can cause a blooming of your intellect as well as your psychic talents.

People who start off as skeptics about astral travel are often convinced of its merits once they begin to gain experience with astral projection and start enjoying its beneficial effects.

The psychic and mental benefits entirely aside, there is a recreational element to astral travel as well. It's undeniably fun to be able to leave your body and see new sights.

Really, it's amazing that everyone doesn't use astral travel. However, most people mistakenly believe that this is an ability which can be used only by a very lucky few. In fact, the opposite is true: anyone can astral travel; it's only a question of making the choice to develop this natural ability.

You have almost certainly had the experience of astral projection before, although it is possible you were unaware that this is what you were doing.

To begin astral projecting, the best method is to allow yourself to naturally experience it and start keeping a record. Once you can start to recognize these experiences as you are having them, then it's time to begin practicing on consciously leaving your physical body for astral travel. As you practice, your psychic abilities and your mind will grow sharper.

Each of us has the ability to astral travel. With practice and determination, you can train yourself to astral project. There are resources available which can help you to ready yourself to use this natural ability. With time and patience, you'll achieve your goal and gain the inner peace which comes with learning astral travel. - 31521

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Astral Travel - The Truth Will Set You Free!

By Joe M Burns

When you have those dreams of flight, this is very similar to the experience of astral travel. The feeling of being airborne is much like the way that your astral body travels through the astral plane. All you need to do is focus on the place you want to be or on the things which you want and your astral body is there in the blink of an eye. When your physical body and mind are at rest, your astral body is free to roam the universe.

Although we may astral travel while we are asleep, it should not be mistaken for dreaming. Dreaming is quite different, since it happens entirely within your brain as it goes over what has happened that day, placing things into context and allowing you to get past them and awake rested the next day. Your dreams may or may not be remembered after you awake, which is an important difference between astral travel and dreaming.

When you remember your dreams in every vivid detail, these are most likely not dreams at all but were experiences with astral travel. It's a good idea to get into the habit of keeping a journal of these experiences. The things you write down may not make much sense at first, but over time will form a contextual background which makes their meaning clear.

Astral dreams are psychically beneficial, much as dreams are in helping your mind to process the things which happen in your day. Everyone has different astral travel experiences and the benefits are also unique to each individual. This makes it especially important to keep a record of your experiences; comparing them to another's experiences is much like comparing apples to oranges and is largely a useless exercise.

One benefit which everyone can experience through astral travel is an increased awareness of themselves and their place in the universe. This in turn leads to a sense of well being and inner peace. Astral projection also helps to improve your memory and alertness since it exercises parts of our physical minds which most people never take the time to develop.

After learning to astral travel, other latent psychic abilities will begin to awaken and be strengthened. Most people report having an increased awareness of others thoughts and an easier time sensing spiritual presences.

Astral travel lets you see things and go places you never would be able to otherwise; including inside your own psyche; and the reward is that psychic abilities and mental acuity begin to bloom.

Even those who previously expressed skepticism about the practice usually change their minds after having some experiences with astral travel. They often find that it changes the way that they look at the world and increases their ability to see things which may otherwise go unseen.

The psychic and mental benefits entirely aside, there is a recreational element to astral travel as well. It's undeniably fun to be able to leave your body and see new sights.

Really, it's amazing that everyone doesn't use astral travel. However, most people mistakenly believe that this is an ability which can be used only by a very lucky few. In fact, the opposite is true: anyone can astral travel; it's only a question of making the choice to develop this natural ability.

We have all experienced astral travel before, whether or not we are aware of having done so.

To begin astral projecting, the best method is to allow yourself to naturally experience it and start keeping a record. Once you can start to recognize these experiences as you are having them, then it's time to begin practicing on consciously leaving your physical body for astral travel. As you practice, your psychic abilities and your mind will grow sharper.

We can all learn to astral travel; it's simply a matter of practice and training yourself for the experiences. You can find a wealth of good resources which can help you to prepare yourself for astral travel. Keep at your practice and you can achieve the inner peace which comes from being able to travel outside of; and within yourself. - 31521

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There is a Link Between Anger and Depression

By Owen Jones

Depression and anxiety are said to be the causes of uncontrollable anger. When a person is constantly worried about things they have no control over or even things that they do have control over, it often causes severe depression. If you have the feeling, there is no way out then your depression can affect your life and cause you to sink into a wave of despair.

Taking the reins of your emotions usually produces good results. If you feel that the world is tumbling down around you, then you are probably thinking in a negative mode, which brings on depression and anxiety. In this short article, we will discuss some techniques to enable you to cope with anxiety and depression, thus relieving uncontrollable anger.

First, let's take a look at the symptoms. Do you feel like you are going mad? Do you shout in your head: 'I cannot cope any more?'. Do you feel like someone is out to get you? Do you think people see you as a crazy person? If you are suffering from any or all of these symptoms or thoughts then you are probably suffering from anxiety and depression.

If you can not find a way to think differently, then you will probably explode when your emotions bubble over and your anger bursts out. Instead of telling yourself that you are out of your mind, why not tell yourself that you are only having atemporary emotional problem and that you need to resolve the situation. Review all the problem areas carefully and search your memory to see if there are answers to your problems there. Reviewing like this, often opens doors to resources you may have forgotten about.

If you feel like everyone is out to get you then you may have a chemical imbalance or a mental illness. Why not visit your doctor or a mental health expert to learn more about the symptoms and find a way to regain control of your life. Anxiety and depression can play tricks with your mind but sometimes the thoughts are just the result of a lack of a chemical balance.

If you think that people think you are going crazy, you might care to remember that most people have their own problems and have no time to analyze you as a person or your life. When you walk into a room and think that people are staring at you, you might want to remember that people observe things around them, making sure everything is OK and then return to their own private lives.

If you feel like you can take it no longer, pick up your knapsack and walk another mile. When times are difficult, it does not mean it is the end of the world, although sometimes it may seem this way. If you are struggling to pay bills, fighting to hold a family together, or having problems with your kids then remember we all have these problems at some time in our lives.

Are your children driving you out of your mind? If they are, take time out. Go and do something entertaining or some exercise. This very often relieves the stresses that lead to anxiety, depression and anger. Life is just too short to worry about the things in life that you do not have control over. If you have problems, the answers lie within you, so it pays to look into your head.

If you are really struggling to reach your goals then you might want to break them down into smaller more realistic segments and work patiently to achieve them. If you set goals that are within reason, you will not need to get stressed out finding a way to achieve them.

It is important to treat yourself every day. Learn some coping responses that will benefit both your mind and your body. If you feel bogged down, you might want to take deep breaths say,ten times.

Curling up on a couch and watching a favorite movie can benefit your mind and your body, if you want to let your thoughts wander. However, learn to focus on what you are doing instead of worrying about what you are not doing. This often clears the mind and helps you to relax.

If you are subject to sustained anger, you will most probably have problems for the rest of your life unless you learn to take control of your emotions. Remember that depression leads to uncontrollable anger. - 31521

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Ways to Raise Your Spirits

By Laura Green

They say that the secret of life is to be happy. Many people believe that this is more important than anything else. What you accomplish, how you live, and anything else mean virtually nothing if you're not happy with it.

The good news is that there are some things that you can naturally do to manipulate your happiness levels. None of these require taking medications, and none of them cost any money. They'll simply require some commitment and a willingness to believe that they'll help.

I would absolutely exercise if you're looking for an automatic fix. This is a can't lose approach that is just about guaranteed to raise your spirits to some extent.

Exercise causes a number of hormones to be distributed through your body, most notably endorphins. These are responsible for feelings of euphoria, almost acting as natural drugs.

Another way to increase your happiness is through taking up and immersing yourself in a hobby that you find interesting. This will take your mind away from negative thoughts and give you something to look forward to.

Think about your favorite things to do. Even if it's just for a fleeting moment, there's a good chance that you're naturally more content with your life while you're doing those things. Embrace the concept of such a distraction.

The last order of business is your diet. This may be a tough one, but things like sodas and other foods that are nutritionally devoid of any benefits will do some bad things to both your body and your mind. Try to take a break from such foods go healthy for a change.

Eating foods loaded with vitamins that naturally benefit the body will have a profound impact on your spirits. Try drastically changing your diet to a healthy one for a few weeks, and you're just about guaranteed to notice the difference. - 31521

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Are You Ignoring Your Subconscious Mind?

By Geoff Vincent

Let's face it; practically everyone in the world today is aware of the fact that they have a subconscious mind. In fact, when things go wrong in our lives, many people immediately place the blame on their subconscious mind. Unfortunately however, not many people seem to realize just how powerful the subconscious mind can be, and that it can be your best friend or your worst enemy, in that it is your subconscious mind which ultimately controls the way in which you live your life. Perhaps you are wondering what exactly is a subconscious mind, and why it's essential for people to pay close attention to what the subconscious mind is thinking?

Even though many professionals insist on arguing the point, the human race has by all accounts acknowledged the fact that the subconscious mind does indeed exist. Basically, the subconscious mind is like a mind within your mind. It is the part of you which controls and directs your actions and also your thoughts. It's that little voice in the back of your head that you always hear when you're faced with a difficult situation. The way in which a person's subconscious mind communicates with them differs from one person to the next, meaning that no two people have the same type of subconscious mind. Even if you have an identical twin and you were both raised in the same environment, under the same conditions, you will both have a different inner voice.

Perhaps you've heard your subconscious mind talking to you before, just as you were about to make an important decision. Perhaps it persuaded you to walk away and let's hope that if you listened, its was for the better. Unfortunately, while the subconscious mind can often save us from disaster, it can also ruin a person's life. This happens when that voice inside your head continuously tells you that you're not good enough, or that you'll never be rich for example. Your subconscious is in essence the way you feel about yourself deep down.

When you're having deep thoughts and your subconscious mind is telling you negative things, then there's very little chance that you'll end up enjoying your life the way you should. Fortunately however, there is something you can do in order to change the way you feel about yourself. In fact you can make your subconscious mind say good things rather than bad so that you can live your life in happiness.

One common practice which many people use nowadays is a method known as 'affirmations', in which you repeat positive statements to yourself throughout the course of the day. The good thing about this method is that it's not necessary for you to spend a load of money on subliminal messaging scripts because it is something you can do at home by yourself.

If for example you want to lose weight, then instead of thinking of yourself as being overweight, you should be repeating to yourself a statement like, 'my weight is absolutely perfect'. The more you enforce this message upon yourself, the more effective it will be. Ideally, you should write it down on a piece of paper which you can keep in your pocket and you should place a copy of it in any area of your home where you spend a good amount of time. In fact, you could even have it has a screen saver on your computer. Providing you repeat this message enough times, your subconscious mind will eventually pick up on the idea that this is what it should be thinking.

In this example, you will soon start becoming fit, but if you used affirmations for some other purpose such as to make money, then you'll also discover your bank account will soon begin improving.

In case you're wondering if your subconscious mind really does have an impact on your life, let's look at the following scenario. You have an important meeting in the morning but unfortunately you forget to set your alarm. You wake up late and immediately begin panicking, and as a result, you soon start believing that the day is not going to go your way. To make matters worse, when you get into your car, you discover the battery is flat and that the car won't start. After getting someone to help you, you set off on your way but you end up getting caught in the traffic. Even when you do eventually make it to the meeting, everything seems to go wrong. By now you firmly believe that your day cannot get any worse than it's already is but the bad news is that it continues throughout the rest of the day.

Now, if you're like so many others, you'll simply put it all down to coincidence but the only problem is, there is no such thing as coincidence. Instead, everything happens for a reason. In fact, it's usually your subconscious mind which is the reason.

Interestingly enough, several books and movies have attempted to explain this phenomenon in recent times, and as a result, it has now become known as the 'Law of Attraction'. Essentially, the Law of Attraction states that the subconscious mind actually helps to create reality rather than only influence it.

Even though this may sound rather crazy, the fact of the matter is that it is in agreement with quantum physics. In fact, it has even been proven at a subatomic level, in that matter is intrinsically linked to the mind of the observer. Interestingly enough, many ancient religions have been trying to tell us of this ever since man can remember.

What you need to bear in mind is that because you can create your own reality with your subconscious mind, it is possible to create a reality of your choice. In fact, some of the wealthiest people in history have become wealthy simply because they have consistently believed and visualized themselves acquiring a vast amount of wealth. - 31521

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Mindpower Secrets Revealed

By Brian Parry

Scientists estimate that we only use around ten percent of our mind power. - Only ten percent! Can you imagine what would happen if you could access the remaining ninety percent? The results would be incredible!

Scientists agree that people who exhibit psychic and extra sensory abilities must be able to use these abilities due to somehow using that 90% of the human mind which usually lies idle. Some people appear to have these abilities from birth but others develop their mind power and start using these latent talents later on in life.

We're not sure yet how it works, but there is ongoing research into how our own mindpower can influence the world we live in.

There are studies which seem to suggest that our minds have more power than we think to shape reality; in fact, it may be that our minds are the determiners of our world, not the other way around.

Popular books like 'The Secret' explain the idea that people can use their mindpower to change the world around them through what is called the law of attraction.

This principle states that there are causes and effects to everything, even our own thoughts can bring about tangible effects if directed properly. It all relies on being able to get your conscious mind to communicate to your subconscious in order to use your latent mindpower to achieve results.

So the subconscious mind is not only responsible for all of the esp powers such as telepathy, remote viewing, and precognition, it also reacts with the 'universe' or what some call the 'universal consciousness', to manifest your desires.

Since the way to develop your mind power is to connect your conscious and subconscious minds, you're probably wondering how you can achieve this link. There are several different ways to do this.

Affirmations:- Most people know about the simple process of affirmations. By repeating a positive phrase, to yourself several times a day your subconscious mind eventually gets the message!

If you needed to boost your self esteem, you may tell yourself things like 'I am confident and well liked'. If you want to break a habit, you can use affirmations like 'I only eat healthy foods'.

Affirmations produce results with repetition. You need to repeat the message until it reaches your subconscious and begins to make you change your behavior to get the results you've wanted.

So just take this a stage further and realize that anything you want to change will change; not just your behavioral habits but absolutely everything in your reality. This is mindpower!

Visualization:- Visualization is another effective method of developing mindpower. You just need to close your eyes and start to see the results you want to achieve. Your subconscious mind will pick up on these images and begin to start making them a reality. Whatever you want, you can visualize it and your subconscious can begin to set events in motion to make it happen. Anything you focus your visualizations on will become a reality.

You can even visualize yourself using some of your other latent mental abilities. For example, visualize yourself communication with someone else telepathically or being able to use remote viewing. Using your mindpower in this way will help these natural psychic abilities to develop.

Hypnosis:- Hypnosis has long been known as a way to communicate with the subconscious and to increase mindpower. A hypnotist can give suggestions to your subconscious which it will act on.

Alternatively you can try self hypnosis where you listen to a recording of a hypnotherapist going through the session. The advantage of this, apart from the cost, is that you can keep listening to it over and over again.

Brainwave entrainment:- This is a new audio technology which is brainwave synchronization. This changes instantly your brainwaves to a certain frequency. This can result in many things. At a certain frequency you can improve your memory. At another frequency natural endorphins are released into your body which heal and alleviate pain.

Other frequencies can assist you to get into a state of meditation very quickly to allow communication with your subconscious mind and therefore the development of your mindpower to take place.

You can also listen to frequencies which are designed to build mindpower by stimulating the chakras " the energy centers located throughout the human body. The 'third eye' chakra located in the forehead is especially important, since this is the chakra which is responsible for psychic powers.

In fact you do not even really 'develop' these powers. They are inside you already. It is thought that humans many thousands of years ago had this enhanced mindpower, but it became repressed and locked deep inside the mind.

When we talk about developing mindpower, what we really mean is unlocking the potential psychic abilities which are present in every person and starting to access the potential of that 90% of the brain which we don't use every day. - 31521

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Unleash Your Power With NLP

By George Hutton

It has been said many times that NLP is the greatest model of communication ever invented. In this article I'll explain this a little bit, and give you some direction that can help you further in your exploration of NLP.

The origins of NLP are relatively recent. It was first created when a couple of guys from different backgrounds modeled some of the best therapists out there. NLP has it's roots in modeling the communication strategies and methods of the best communicators in the world.

One of the first people they modeled with NLP was Dr. Milton Erickson. He had created his own from of hypnosis. Instead of sitting you down in a chair and waving a watch in front of you and trying to convince you that your eyes were getting heavier and heavier, he had a different method. He would tell you these stories and metaphors that didn't make a whole lot of sense, but somehow they would solve all your problems.

Just from this one genius, a model of communication that is known as the Milton Model was created. This is likely the most persuasive and influential strategy that you can learn. Politicians and the best salespeople today use this model, either knowingly or unknowingly. If you search online for the Milton Model, you'll find an abundance of free information to get you started.

Others have described NLP as the objective description of the subjective experience. Say you are afraid of dogs. Instead of asking why, and digging into your past when you were first bit, NLP asks how you are afraid of dogs. What images do you see, what do you imagine when you see a dog? Once you have these, it's easy to change them, and the fear of dogs can disappear.

The greatest lesson of NLP is modeling itself. With modeling, you can learn to do anything from anybody. This is in now way limited to modeling excellence in communication. You can model excellence in public speaking, or engineering, golf, or even creative thinking. Once you tap into the awesome power of NLP, you are only limited by your imagination. - 31521

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Take the GMAT Early

By Zeke Lee

When is the GMAT?

Unlike the SAT, there is no set date for registering for the GMAT. You can book a date and time for your test with your nearest test center at your convenience. Almost any weekday will be possible. Of course, you need to register in advance.

Sounds good. Since I can choose when to take the exam, when is the best time to do so?

Perhaps the best time to sit for your GMAT is while you are still in school, or shortly afterwards. Remember, as you gain more real world experience, you lose the test-taking intuition that you used to have when you were in school. Taking an intensive test like the GMAT 5 years after your last rigorous exam can be quite challenging. Test-taking intricacies like operating in a time pressured environment, reading through answer choices, marking answers, and dealing with psychological issues are second nature to you when you are in school, but they become quite unfamiliar the longer you wait after college. You want to minimize this risk by taking the exam during the summer after graduation or the summer between your junior and senior year-this is the ideal time. Remember, the GMAT exam is valid for 5 years. If you have any intention of applying for business school sometime in the next 5 years, you should take it at your earliest convenience.

Well, what if I've been away from college for many years--did I miss the boat? What should I do?

Don't worry. You didn't miss the boat! A lotof people are in your shoes. You might not be familiar with the pressures of test taking so will need to pay extra attention to doing several practice exams mimicking exam-like conditions.

How do I do a practice exam in exam-like conditions?

The best way to simulate an exam is to set aside an entire morning or afternoon to take a practice exam using the GMAT Prep software from Since the exam is computerized, you want to practice using a computer adaptive test in order to simulate the conditions. Besides simulating the environmental conditions of your practice exam, you should also simulate the psychological aspects as well. Go through your normal test routine the day before your scheduled practice exam--like going to bed extra early to get a really good night's sleep and wake up early. Make sure you go to the bathroom before the practice exam because you don't want to have a break during your exam.

What else should I take into account?

If you are considering the GMAT, chances are you have a busy life. When applying to business school, you will need to dedicate time not only to your job, but also any extracurricular activities or initiatives you are pursuing. Part of an organization that holds ambitious yearly events? Put some time and effort and participate on the board in a leadership position. Itching for a promotion at your job so you can put it in your Bschool application? You'll need to put in the time and effort. You'll also need to budget time for researching/visiting schools and writing those dreaded essays. And of course, you want a social life and time with your family. The GMAT is the LAST thing you want to worry about when juggling all these things. That's why it is best to get it out of the way.

Which one should I do first? Study for the exam? Or register for the exam?

This is a personal preference. I would recommend you to schedule the exam a few months in advance when you intend to take it. Pay the $250 (yes, not cheap) it costs to take the exam so that you are invested into the exam-forcing you to study. Otherwise, if you casually study for the exam, you may never progress anywhere. - 31521

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Anxiety Panic Attack Symptom - The Emotional and Physical Signs

By Sue Johnson

We all will feel anxious at one time or another. They say that most people's worst fear is public speaking. Others may become anxious if they have to drive in heavy traffic. We're all different.

For some situations, anxiety is a perfectly normal response. It would be abnormal not to have some degree of concern about an impending bankruptcy or serious marriage problem. Anxiety can even be helpful in the motivates us to action.

But sometimes people get out of balance. They move from normal, appropriate anxiety to an anxiety panic attack symptom where the anxiety causes great discomfort without helping performance at all and possibly even detracting from performance or keeping the person from taking any action altogether. Obviously, this is an undesirable and detrimental situation.

A key point is that in abnormal anxiety the symptoms are way out of proportion to the actual situation. The person suffering from the anxiety or panic attack realizes it doesn't make any sense, but without proper training most can't escape the grip of fear. For many people, this feeling of being out of control is one of the worst symptoms.

Not only are there emotional symptoms, people can experience severe physical symptoms during an anxiety panic attack. This is because adrenaline is released as part of a panic attack. This causes a racing heartbeat, rapid breathing in a generalized feeling of anxiety. It can also cause chest pain or heart palpitations. These might be accompanied by extreme trembling or shivering, sweating or becoming short of breath, and feeling dizzy.

Few things are so disruptive to living a happy, normal life as suffering from frequent severe episodes of anxiety. Fortunately, many treatment options are available today. Some approaches involve working with therapist, but they're also many self-help techniques available as well. - 31521

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Many People Have Anger Management Troubles

By Randy Roedl

Lots of people now have angry management issues - regardless of whether it is caused by their family, career, monetary considerations or just life generally. This is why it is important to stay up to date on all things in the area of health and well being as much as possible.

In order to do this, we need to use the internet websites. Of course it is always suggested to confer with your physician on items that are related to health, although you can alternatively search the web and its amazing amount of information.

Many businesses have crumpled since of neglected anger and frustration issues. As the owner of the company, you owe it to yourself to provide an atmosphere conducive enough for certain anger and frustration expression. When anger and frustration is not dealt with within a work setting, it can create undercurrents of bitterness and tension and lead to a reduction in the quality of services offered by the staff.

Anger is the fastest way to push people away from you. The truth is that no one likes to hang around a individual that goes ballistic each thirty seconds of the day. If you get angry constantly, chances are individuals walk on egg shells around you in order not to get you angry and that in itself could be an exceedingly tense situation.

Anger does not work in isolation. Once you get angry and you don't deal with it appropriately, resentment and jealousy may follow. Anger gives birth to a whole line of fresh negative emotions that can demolish a person totally. It is therefore prudent to keep your anger in check always.

Thankfully anger and frustration issues management strategies that work now exist. Learn as much as you can about how to manage your anger and frustration issues and you will become a far better person. If you are a bit uneasy around anger and frustration issues management classes, you can take an online anger and frustration issues management class. Internet websites Based anger and frustration issues management courses make it simple for you to get help anytime of the day. With internet websites based anger and frustration issues management classes, you could get as personal as you want and still have your privacy.

You need to understand what it is around. Anger could save your life when you are being threatened because it provides you with the epinephrin to fight back. When you get angry for no good cause, then you need to think about seeking anger management help. - 31521

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The Law Of Abundance And Your New Life

By Kim McMillan

The law of abundance is very simple. In a nutshell, all it requires for you to do is to believe in yourself, believe that you deserve love, wealth, and happiness, and think positive thoughts. That is all there is to it. People from all walks of life have been abiding by this one very crucial law for decades and have been able to reap the fruits of their thoughts and simplistic beliefs.

The very best thing about the law of abundance is the fact that it is so simple. You may not want to believe it but everything you have at this point in your life and everything that you are is a direct result of the thoughts you have had over the past several years. Sadly, all the things that are lacking in your life are a result of what you believe as well.

When you wake up every day, the law of abundance is automatically at work for you. The problem with most people is that they fail to take advantage of the 'powers that be' in their lives.

If you want your dreams to come true and manifest themselves in your life, you must look at what you have already. It is through appreciation for these things that you will see multiplication begin to take hold in your life.

Thinking positively may be common sense, however for the pessimistic individual it may feel like quite a challenge. Honestly though all you are, doing is breaking a lifelong bad habit. The law of abundance and its advantages do not have to be hard.

Each day when you wake up, you are the one who is creating the opportunities for wealth and happiness. By waking up in a bad mood, you are setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. Something that may help you to think more positively about your life is to leave little notes for yourself throughout your house reminding you of how lucky you are.

Being open to this level of abundance, you will find there are so many things for you to attain. By not taking advantage of the law of abundance, people will foil their own success and wealth. If you truly want to prevent this, you must take control of your thought life. Make it a conscious decision to change the way you think.

When a negative thought sneaks into your thought processes flip it upside down and turn it into something that is positive for you. There are those who find it beneficial to feed off these negative thoughts. If you are naturally pessimistic, this may be something you can work with to bring about the law of abundance.

Many people are constantly thinking of themselves in the negative, feeling like they are fat or ugly, next time try telling yourself how beautiful and fit you are. You will feel the happiness begin to flow abundantly in you. At this point, you will have whatever you ask for because this energy is irresistible and contagious.

If you are prone to thinking, 'I never have any money', think instead 'I have all that I need and more', and watch your life increase in abundance drastically.

Making the law of abundance a moving force in your life is something you can achieve. When you accept life, the way it is and appreciate what you already have, you open the door to the law and you will be absolutely amazed by how much better things will be. - 31521

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There is a Link Between Anger and Depression

By Owen Jones

Anxiety and depression are almost certainly the causes of uncontrollable anger. When a person is continuously worried about problems they have no control over or even problems they do have control over, it often results in depression. If you feel that, there is no hope then your depression can affect your life and cause you to sink into a spiral of despair.

Taking the reins of your emotions usually produces good results. If you feel that the world is tumbling down around you, then you are probably thinking in a negative mode, which brings on depression and anxiety. In this short article, we will discuss some techniques to enable you to cope with anxiety and depression, thus relieving uncontrollable anger.

First of all, let us take a look at the symptoms. Do you feel like you are going out of your head? Do you shout in your head: 'I cannot take it any more?'. Do you feel like someone is out to get you? Do you think people consider you crazy? If you are suffering from any or all of these symptoms or thoughts then you are probably suffering from anxiety and depression.

If you can not find a way to think in a different mode, then you will probably get mad when your emotions start to get out of control and your anger gushes forth. Instead of telling yourself that you are going mad, why not tell yourself that you are only having a temporary emotional problem and that you need to resolve the situation. Take a look over all your problems carefully and search your memory to see if there are answers to them there. A review like this, often opens doors to resources you may have overlooked.

If you feel like someone is out to get you then you might have a chemical imbalance or a mental illness. Why not go to see your doctor or a mental health expert to learn more about the symptoms and find a way to regain control of your life. Anxiety and depression can play tricks with your mind but sometimes the thoughts are simply the result of a chemical imbalance.

If you think that people think you are going crazy, you may want to remember that most people have their own problems and don't have the time nor the inclination to worry about you as a person. When you walk into a room and think that people are staring at you, you might want to remember that all people watch the things around them, checking to make sure that their surroundings are all right before returning to their own lives.

If you feel as if you cannot take it any longer, pick up your bag and walk another mile. When times are difficult, it does not mean it is the end of the world, although sometimes it does seem this way. If you are struggling to pay bills, fighting to hold a family together, or having difficulty with your children then remember we all have these problems at some time in our lives.

Are your children driving you out of your mind? If they are, take time out. Go and do something entertaining or some exercise. This very often relieves the stresses that lead to anxiety, depression and anger. Life is just too short to worry about the things in life that you do not have control over. If you have problems, the answers lie within you, so it pays to look into your head.

If you are really struggling to reach your goals then you might want to break them down into smaller more realistic segments and work patiently to achieve them. If you set goals that are within reason, you will not need to get stressed out finding a way to achieve them.

It is important to pamper yourself each day. Learn some coping techniques that will benefit both your mind and your body. If you feel snowed under, you might want to take deep breaths ten times.

Stretching out on a sofa to watch your favourite film can relax your mind and your body, if you want to de-stress your mind. Learn to concentrate on what you are doing instead of fretting about what you are not doing. This often clears the mind and helps you to relax.

If you are subject to sustained anger, you will most probably have problems for the rest of your life unless you learn to take control of your emotions. Remember that depression leads to uncontrollable anger. - 31521

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Learning About Abnormal Psychology

By Benjamin Kyles

Have you heard of F-99? Read up! This new definition of 'abnormal psychology' could put you in an asylum! The World Health Organization (WHO) refers to the International Classification of Diseases, revision ten (ICD-10), Chapter Five, "Mental and Behavioral Disorders" as a universal descriptor of abnormal psychology. The description of mental and behavioral disorders presented in this chapter essentially define the abnormal everyman, the abnormal men and women of the world.

The WHO rightfully takes a global view on the individual. All people in the world are equal in the eyes of the WHO. At the outset, this is a troubling position. Abnormal psychology always appears in contrast to a cultural norm. From the WHO's perspective, the individual's abnormality must be measured against a universal norm, not a cultural one. A universal norm may indeed represent the behavior of a universal or global culture. As global government emerges on the back of a global economy, a global culture may very well ensue. This means that ICD-10 will become the standard used by global government to identify and treat the abnormal personality.

Since critical treatment of abnormal behavior may result in incarceration, such as in a hospital for the criminally insane, our personal freedom may be taken if our behavior fits into one of the categories of 'abnormality', as described in the ICD-10. You can see that it only makes good sense for us to safeguard our freedom and become informed of what the World Health Organization considers abnormal psychology. You may well be shocked to learn that ICD-10 has an 'unspecified' category: this means that virtually any behavior might qualify as abnormal psychology and require governmental intervention, correction, and monitoring.

Against the norms of a global culture, the ICD-10 identifies organic, physical, affective, schizophrenic, and neurotic disorders. It includes retardation, developmental disorders, behavioral syndromes, and childhood and adolescent emotional disorders. These are certainly categories of abnormal psychology and most people would not take issue with these. What most people would take issue with, are those people who treasure liberty and would see all governments limited in exercising yet more authority, is the ICD-10, Chapter 5 category, F99, the 'unspecified' category. While all the other categories of mental illness point to well known and specific mental disorders, category F99 identifies the behaviors described only as an "Unspecified mental disorder".

The problem is immediately apparent in the phrase. All behavior that is not in one of the other, specific mental disorder categories of the ICD-10 is unspecified behavior. For example, dissent is not found in any legitimate and specific category, but the behavior fits well into F99. Dissent may represent a minority of the populace, an abnormality. Religious rituals are another form of behavior that fits into F99. Will dissent and religious practice be seen as an abnormal psychology? Will it thus require corrective treatment?

The broad generality of F99 should make it unacceptable to all people of the world. An 'unspecified' mental disorder category may have a place in research psychology, but it does not belong in the canon of abnormal psychology. If your personal freedom is important to you, hopefully this brief introduction provides a heads-up on what's coming. - 31521

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Benefiting From The Cosmic Order Service

By Jamie-Lee Day

The popularity of the Cosmic Order Service has reached new unprecedented heights in the recent years. However, it really comes as no surprise considering the number of celebrities who have publicly endorsed it and attributed their success to the cosmic order service. So, that makes the common man wonder, how does the cosmic order service work? What makes cosmic order work for some folks and not others?

In order to understand this phenomenon we must understand the complexities of the mind. The mind is a marvelous thing. The brain is a physical matter that holds this brilliant computer, the mind. You can have anything you desire, if you just believe that it is possible and right for you to have it.

It has been studied recently that the smallest particles of matter known as quarks continue to move around and once they shift to a new level, they create a sudden and significant change or a quantum leap. The force that makes the movement is energy. The force that makes the mind to be creative and to be influential to move positive things in your directions is also energy. It clearly shows that energy connects the mind to the universe by letting the energy guide your desires to reality.

Majority of people do not know how to change the existing pattern of their lives. They are exposed to problems, feelings of despair and despondency through news. Most of them talk about lack of resources and money. Jealousy hounds them as the elusive success touches them and not their neighbour. What they don't realize is, that with a shift in their thinking and actions, they can actually make their wishes come true. Nevertheless, its not as simple as it seems.

Spending years in negative, poverty thinking, has been the reality of many people's life. This kind of thinking becomes a habit and they feel that there isn't enough good in the universe to provide for everyone's needs. They place the blame on luck and past karmas. These people feel that they are receiving what they deserve, but they forget a vital point; you deserve for you believe you deserve. If you are also the kinds who worry about money matters, about health and never really think that good can happen to you, you never will be disappointed because you are using your cosmic order service. You get what you firmly believe in.

It has been believed that people have to work hard in order to get the respect of others and if they are not fortunate to get quality life it is because they never worked hard for it. All they can do is accept and be content of whatever life can give them.

If you feed your mind with ideas that tell you it's immoral to be wealthy, to be happy or healthy, your life will evidently follow the course of action you believe. This is your cosmic order service and you have yourself asked for your miseries. Your beliefs have created this reality for you.

To make the best thing to happen to you, first you have to remove all the wrong attitudes and wrong thinking. Positive results will not happen if the mind does not totally believe that these can really happen in you. Once your mind believes that positive things will come true, then you will get your desired results. There are ways to clear your mind of those hindrances to positive thinking to be able to connect to the universal force.

In order to do this you can use some techniques that will make things happen for you rather than you just sitting and waiting for the good to come to you. Self-hypnosis, positive healing affirmations and chakra balancing are some ways to get connected with the ever helping power of the universe. Even listening to binaural brainwave training frequency waves does you a lot of good.

These rituals and brainwave frequencies will prepare your subconscious mind to interact with the forces of universal energy by freeing the mind from all negative thoughts and create new and positive desires for a positive outcome.

All these things require a great responsibility. It is your responsibility to acquire knowledge and wisdom about the cosmic order service. You should know the information about your desires and about whatever things you are wishing for. Just believe that you are deserving of the good things that you will get. - 31521

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Try Hypnosis To Lose Weight

By Mark Tuttle

I am all too familiar with the pain of being overweight. Even from the time I was young I have been confronted with the problem of my weight. Growing up only increased the difficulty and I was despairing about finding a way out.

But when I learned about the link between hypnosis and weight loss, it became clear to me that there was a way out after all. I was, of course, a bit cynical about hypnosis when it was offered as a possible treatment. But I had to admit that I was convinced when I saw how successful many of my friends were who, after trying hypnosis, lost weight and kept it off for good.

I didn't understand that instead of being a form of mind control, hypnosis was in reality a kind of medical procedure that was usually done under the care of a licensed psychiatrist. I began to feel a little hope about the potential of hypnosis and weight loss for myself.

I had to choose between going through a hypnosis and weight loss program under the supervision of a qualified practitioner or just doing it on my own. It's essential to do the research to figure out the right thing for you. This is critical to being successful.

I was encouraged by the various self hypnosis courses I learned about since they all seemed to offer something positive. Instead of being something that was beyond my understanding, the reality was that it offered a way of overcoming my deeply-rooted bad eating and exercise habits. Now I'm glad to share whenever I can with people about how effective hypnosis and weight loss programs can be.

If you are like me, fighting your weight problem probably seems to be a lifelong fact for you. But don't despair. Hypnosis and weight loss could be your key to permanently lose weight and keep it off without fighting forever. - 31521

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Eliminating Self-Doubts About Clairvoyance

By Paul B Dickinson

The topic of clairvoyance is one of the most controversial subjects in the world. The reason is that for all people, it challenges their beliefs and understanding of life, religion, and the universe. Medical science has discovered so much about the human brain but there is still a large part of it whose function remains unknown. Many people believe that be a clairvoyant free of misconception, that one is harnessing the power of a sixth sense that originates from this unknown region of the human brain.

Perhaps everyone has a bit of clairvoyant ability at their disposal. They just may not know it. For others-a minority to be certain-clairvoyant abilities are obvious and undeniable. These are the people we hear of who are considered natural clairvoyants. Other people, however, may wish to explore their own clairvoyant abilities or gifts and try to develop this sixth sense. If you want to develop your clairvoyant abilities, you must become a clairvoyant free of all self-doubt.

So if you want to become a clairvoyant free from doubt, the first thing you need is an openness and acceptance of psychic phenomena. As long as you remain close-minded or doubtful about such concepts, you will not be able to access your own clairvoyant potential. So try to stay open to all the possibilities.

Clairvoyance refers to an ability to discern or see events that you are not physically or directly participating in or seeing with your own physical eyes at the time. This could include past or future events or even something that is going on right now in a different place where you cannot physically view it, such as across the state or in another country. For some clairvoyants, this insight comes as a flash or burst of a vision. For others, it is a strong feeling of danger or stress or that something is dreadfully wrong. You have probably heard stories of people who got premonitions of sorts and changed their plans and thereby averted disaster-like thinking their plane will crash so they change their flight and then later find out that indeed that original plane did crash and they would have been killed if they had kept their original plans.

If you are skeptical, you will have difficulty tapping into clairvoyant powers and abilities. But if you open yourself up and allow a new type of awareness to seep into your body, you may be able to tap into other universal truths that are not always visible. Learning to meditate effectively is a great way to develop this open awareness and feeling of oneness with the rest of the world.

The universe is really one great continuum. All things are related and interconnected. What happens in one place affects everything else in some way. When you learn to attune your spirit to the energy of the universe, you can begin to experience more than the conscious mind typically allows.

As you develop this new awareness, you should know that you may first experience small glimpses that you cannot really decipher. Perhaps it will be a feeling or an emotion, a flash of an image, or a new sound. You are beginning to become a part of the universal continuum. Accept it and continue to practice meditating and increasing your awareness.

To be a successful clairvoyant belief is everything, for if you have any shadow of doubt, you will not be able to progress to the level of the complete clairvoyant free from worrying what they see, or feel, or hear being only in their imagination.

Our society doesn't usually embrace such openness and awareness. In fact, we often grow up learning to dismiss anything that doesn't seem to be firmly grounded in the reality everyone else sees. So you may have difficulty initially.

However, if you can move past this stage, you become more attuned and receptive to a clairvoyant experience. Getting into a trancelike mode of meditation is a necessary prerequisite. This helps you eliminate feelings of doubt and any other preconceived ideas. With time and practice, you'll be able to tune in to this place deep within yourself more quickly. You will become more aware of the spiritual universe and less aware of your physical surroundings.

A clairvoyant free from distractions and the "politics" of life will be able to perform much more efficiently. It is important to have complete harmony around you. If there is anything that you feel is disharmonious, you need to cleanse yourself of it. If it is an object, get rid of it. If it is a person, avoid them. Any distractions will subtract from your ability to practice your clairvoyance.

Above all, you must have confidence in your own ability. A clairvoyant free from self doubt is a confident clairvoyant who will instill that same confidence in his/her ability in those round them

If desired, you may even wish to explore some tools and techniques other clairvoyants use. Tarot cards, crystal balls, and palm readings are utilized by some clairvoyants. This, too, could be a tool that will help you explore your gifts.

Many famous individuals consult with clairvoyants regularly and in particular prior to making critical life decisions. They believe in the power of their gift. If you discover this gift in yourself, you, too, can use the gift to help others. - 31521

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Chakra Balancing -The Secret To Wellbeing and Contentment

By Jo Taylor-Combes

Today many individuals have no clue to the significant existence of the spiritual being and physical being since modern science reduces this fact from their own minds.

However, in the Hindu thoughts of life, the flame of spiritual healing is still burning brightly alongside the advancements in science and technology.

Chakra means Wheel of Light in Sanskrit. There are seven primary chakras as well as many secondary chakras. All of these chakras are continually rotating and vibrating inside a healthy body.

Any type of imbalance in the movement of the chakras it may result in an overall state of imbalance that hinders the healthy functioning of a body. Achieving chakra balancing is imperative for encouraging a healthy spirit, mind and body.

Chakras are the entry points of the human aura. They run along the mid-points of the body from the base of the spine up to the top of the head. These points of entry are centers of activity. The chakras work by receiving, dispersing and expressing our life force energy. They attract and send out energy back and forth with nature, the universe, other humans as well as celestial entities.

What modifies Chakra Balancing?

When any one chakra or more incur a blockage there is not harmonious energy flow. Blockages cause the chakras to incur imbalance. These imbalances then begin making themselves know in other areas of our lives.

Many factors such as illness, toxic exposure, stress, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise as well as childhood traumas, emotional injuries, an inability to express emotions, beliefs incongruent with Truth, cultural conditioning, and so on can alter the harmonious functioning of the Chakras.

Chakra Balancing Secret to Happiness and Health

Natural, harmonious functioning of Chakras is an admirable but unpractical idea. Therefore, humans do attempt to correct this alteration and achieve a fine balance between these Chakras. The theory of self-healing has somewhat of a basis on Chakra balancing.

Our thoughts, behaviors, body shape, glandular processes and any type of recurring ailments depend upon the condition of our chakras. Chakra balancing assures that all of these limitations work towards the goal of a achieving a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Chakra Balancing Benefits include:

* Recognition of your True Self

* Physical health and vitality

* A compassionate loving heart

* Inner peace and complete happiness

* Being consciously in touch with ones body

* Accelerating spiritual growth and development

* A Sexually content life without the negative influences of lust

* Awareness of ones feelings at the higher celestial level

* Enhancing the ability to attract and express love in ones life

* Immeasurable levels of confidence, however not being overly confident

* Spiritual healing through higher patterns of awareness, perception and recognition

Achieving Chakra Balancing

When you attempt to achieve chakra balancing, you may choose from an assortment of methods and techniques. You may find some of these methods and techniques to be very beneficial when you are striving to achieve harmony within the proper functioning of the body and chakra system.

* The use of Aromatherapy

* Touch Therapy

* Positive Thinking

* Physical exercise

* Light and Color Therapy

* Crystals and Gemstones

* Binaural Sound Frequencies

* Healing Therapies, such as Reiki

* Balancing with the Use Of Hands and Pendulums

* Self Hypnosis and Positive Affirmations

* Meditation and Yoga, including breathing exercises

Being a container of energy, our bodies continually release and dispose of all spent energy through the various organs of our bodies and then stocks up on new supplies of energy.

New energy generates and then chakra balancing helps to send this energy to each of the cells and vital organs of the body for its use. Chakra balancing ensures that the entire body gets its own share of this new energy for its specific use.

While in this most favorable state, happiness, health and inner peace naturally flow. Chakra balancing is simply bringing the Chakras back into their natural state of vibration. - 31521

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The Hidden Treasures of Chakra Energy

By Jonathan Benjem

Very few people acknowledge the presence of an internal energy reservoir in our bodies that is responsible for our physical and mental well-being. This lack of knowledge is more prevalent in the Western world, as the concept of spiritual energy was more prevalent and adhered to in the eastern countries, like India.

Most commonly, this is known as Chakra Energy, or the energy generated by the seven primary energy centers in the body. These energy centers are situated from the base of spine upwards to the head. A brief description of location of seven Chakras wont be out of place:

* Root Chakra (RED) situated at the base of the spine.

* Spleen Chakra (ORANGE) located in the lower abdomen region, just below the navel.

* Solar Plexus Chakra (YELLOW) located in the stomach area.

* Heart Chakra (GREEN) located in the center of the chest.

* Throat Chakra (BLUE) located in the throat region.

* Third Eye Chakra (INDIGO) located in between the eyes.

* Crown Chakra (VIOLET) located on top of the head.

Though invisible, these Chakras constantly and continuously rotate in the bodies at their stated positions. This movement is responsible for the production of energy, called Chakra Energy.

Your bodily health, both physical and mental, is entirely dependent on the harmonious movement of these seven primary charkas. Any kind of disharmony in their movements is unacceptable to the body and results in ill health in one form or the other.

So, whats the secret of Chakra Energy? The Chakra System of our body is an all-powerful spiritual mode of controlling and regulating our lives. The balance in the movement of these Chakras is the ultimate aim of any human being. This is because of the fact that the movements of body Chakras produce energy.

If the movement is in sync, the Chakras will produce sufficient energy to ensure physical and mental well being. However, if the movement is not in sync, the energy so produced will not be sufficient and itll invariably result in some body ailment.

The other important thing to know about Chakra Energy is the difficulty level in your quest to attain Chakra balance. Indeed, its not easy to bring about a radical shift in Chakra movement overnight. However, if you persist and show extreme determination to attain that magical Chakra balance, believe me, its a life-changing experience. The process is called Chakra Meditation, and is performed by sitting or lying down in a most natural posture. The next step is to relax every body part and feel every cell and organ of the body starting from the toe. This means a lot of visualization, and in the process, lots of distractions in the form of negative emotions. But the key is to persevere and eventually, you will conquer every hurdle in your way and transform into the most evolved being known to mankind.

This may trigger a natural question, i.e., why this simple fact is largely unknown to the modern humans? The answer lies in the over-dependence on science and technology for even the basic human needs. Earth is sufficient to provide us with all the supplies needed for a healthy and peaceful existence. But the modern man has divided the control over the Earths blessings, resulting in constant struggle and over-dependence science to augment the supplies of even the basic necessities. Moreover, the thrust on technologically advanced gadgets has meant increasing drift from the spiritual aspect of life.

The best part of Chakra Energy is that it is always within your control. You just need a firm determination to balance the Chakra movements and in the process, ensure a healthy and contented existence, both in the physical as well as spiritual realm. - 31521

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The Breath of Life

By Ellen Valentine

It can be said that as a person breathes, so they do life. That is self explanatory but just in case it wasnt clear, if your breath is open and consciously engaged, you are fully alive; if however your breath is shallow and often stops, you are living a contracted and less than fulfilling life. The reality is that your breath is your connection to the Divine. It is the Inspiration to live, the Breath of Life.

Breathe deeply right now. How it feels to you is your gauge as to how you are able to do life in this moment. If the breath is full and open, so are you. If it's contracted and shallow, that is how you are experiencing life right now. If it hurts or feels difficult on any level " you NEED TO BREATHE. Its that simple.

Breathing seems so ordinary that most people are not conscious of the delicious nature of the Breath; in fact, many people today are simply not conscious; and, the breathing mechanism is the perfect gauge for our ability in any moment to truly live a full life.

Rebirthing breath is a spiritual awakening and a reconnection to our own core essence. The session itself may heal any manner of misperceptions a person has incorporated during a lifetime but more importantly it has the ability to shift the energetic clout of the aberrated thought. So, lets go through that again.

Thoughts that are not for our own good, like I will never be able to do that well, have an energetic power that keep them there. The more traumatic an experience that sets a thought in motion, the more suppressed the thought becomes over many years, the more powerful the negative thought is. This is evident when children are emotionally damaged very early in life; most often, the person grows resolved that certain negative ideas about them are true.

Whether a thought is true or not makes no difference. If it feels true to a person, they act on it as if it is true. It is true for them.

Life is energy; you and I are energetic beings; everything that occurs in our lives is being manifested because it is what a person believes to be their truth. So good or bad, every person is creating with their thoughts, the unconscious and conscious mind. This co-creative potential was meant to be the greatest gift ever to humans.

A breathing professional guides the session, making sure that no hesitation on the part of the breather gets in the way of a completed energy cycle. With this cycle of energy a certain amount of stored or blocked energy can be released. The thoughts attached are relinquished as they are exposed as untrue and no longer useful.

If youre planning on having a baby and wish for a gentle and trauma free birth, your fist plan of action would be a ten week series of sessions for both mother and father. It will not be possible for the baby to be birth trauma free if everyone involved has not handled their own birth trauma first. Babies process the fear and apprehension of the parents not only at birth but in the womb. One session never fixes all but it is the beginning of a persons relationship with their ultimate life machine " their Breath.

The presence of a conscious and successful practitioner lends energy to the highest resolution of the session, and gives credence to the true pure nature of the breather. This is most important because many people have never been affirmed for their goodness or their ability to achieve this lifetime. Ten sessions are recommended as the minimum for anyone to feel really comfortable about breathing on their own.

Rebirthing is a technique I learned in1988. It made such an impact on my ability to expand and see certain circumstances in my own life clearly, and reconstruct them. It was amazing and I wanted to give that same gift to others. I still use rebirthing breath with clients and myself.

Rebirthing is definitely a spiritual experience. Much of the success of the session hinges on the progress and expectation of the facilitator, plus the willingness of the breather but I have seen lives changed with the process.

Breathe Deeply, Live Fully, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 31521

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Building A Marriage On True Love

By Carol Ann

With any marriage there is love, or there should be anyway. You may say you love your spouse but take a moment to really think about it. Are you doing enough to love them and express this love? If you sit back and think you may realize that you are taking your spouse for granted, since you know they will always be there you, therefore you are not loving them fully or expressing your feeling of love properly. It is easy to fall into this trend with the hectic schedules that many of us have, but without a true and total feeling of love your marriage will begin to feel like something that you can do without.

If you want you marriage to last then you need to invest more time and effort in your spouse, and not throw them by the waist side because of an overwhelming life. Take time in your day to show them you care. Write them a note and put it on the steering wheel of their car so that they see it in the morning as they leave for work. You can also plan a romantic night starting with dinner, or take a day off from work so that the two of you can spend the day laying in each others arms. It is the simple things that show your love, and stopping your life activities to focus on your spouse as simple as it gets.

By doing little, special things for your spouse you are showing them that you care and that they are important to your life. This will not only keep you and your spouse happy, but you will find that your marriage is running smoother than it had in a long time. Your spouse will begin to feel like they are a part of your life, instead of an obstacle that needs to be faced during your hectic life schedule.

Your marriage needs to be based on love a nurture. You need to make it the highest priority of all things. When you can accomplish this then you will have all that you need to overcome any problems that may enter into your marriage. With a true feeling of love towards one another you can face these problem together as couple, instead of as individual people.

Marriage is more than a partnership it is romance that must go on and on. Treating your spouse as a lover and a best friend is the key to making your marriage the most meaningful relationship in your life. People will envy the love that you share if you take a little time out each day to devote to showing your spouse how much you love and care about them. It is truly amazing how just a few little ounces of effort a day can add up to a lifetime of happiness. - 31521

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Weightloss And Hypnosis

By Ted Johnson

There's no method for a successful diet program that compares to hypnosis. Professional medical organizations in the United States and England have approved medical hypnosis for weight loss as very a very effective technique without side effects. So you may be wondering how to go about getting help for weight loss hypnosis.

You must first consult with your medical doctor or with a trained dietitian. Because hypnosis is an accepted medical technique, your physician will be able to give you guidance about this weight loss method.

Your doctor or dietary expert will go over the basics of medical hypnosis so that you are well-informed about it. They will be able to give you contact information for legitimate and dependable hypnosis practitioners they know. You can then go into supervised treatment with a professional medical hypnosis provider who will abide by certain codes of conduct.

You could try to investigate the area of medical hypnosis and hypnosis for weight loss on your own. By looking on the Internet, you will come up with a vast amount of useful information about weight loss hypnosis. Just be careful about the sources of this information and make sure they are legitimate.

You will want to obtain hypnosis literature from professional medical writing, magazines and sites of legitimate hypnosis practitioners. You might even find instruction on specific methods of elementary self hypnosis for weight loss. Examine these materials and decide if weight loss hypnosis is for you.

You'll find many digital resources in the form of CDs, online books, and films that can instruct you in the use of hypnosis for weight loss. Even though there are some unscrupulous people who put out these materials just to take advantage of the situation and make some money, there are a lot of products on hypnosis that really are up to the standards set by the medical community.

A trustworthy provider will have adequate education and sufficient training in psychology and education in hypnosis. Producers of weight loss hypnosis materials must also have substantial training in theory and practice in this area. This will ensure the safety and effectiveness of the instructional materials received from the distributor.

When it comes to weight loss and weight control, there is nothing comparable to hypnosis. If you are very careful about the weight loss hypnosis materials, information and help that you receive you will be sure to get what you need. - 31521

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7 Tips To Success In Obtaining An Online Education Degree

By Mary Jackson

For those students who cannot afford the time or money to take full-time courses on campus, an online education degree has removed many roadblocks. In fact, there are several advantages over traditional degrees. Nevertheless, because the methods of instruction and learning are quite different, students need to consider the adjustments and changes necessary to receiving a quality education degree online.

1. Choosing the best education online institution - Make sure the institute for higher education chosen has adequate resources and accreditation recognized by the proper authorities. Unless authenticity can be verified, find another school. Sadly, unscrupulous degree mills offer degrees with short-term or no real education. Thus, the diplomas are bogus and absolutely worthless. Find a school that provides solid education, ample student support, and the facilities necessary to succeed in your distance learning.

2. Analyze cost vs. benefit - Some students enroll in a distance learning program without considering the cost. Generally, the cost per credit hour is fairly expensive. However, decide whether the education will translate into better income opportunities down the road. Only after assessing the true benefits can students appreciate the rewards of obtaining an education online degree.

3. How do employers view an online education degree? - There are many instances where employers were skeptical about the legitimacy of online education degrees. With so many "diploma mills" out there, it's warranted for employers to be cautious. Although an online education degree might be legit, it would be very helpful to the employer if you provided the type of accreditation your college has beforehand to avoid any misunderstanding. By letting the employer know in advance that your institution was accredited by an institution that is recognized by CHEA and US department of Education, you will be a step ahead in qualifying for that dream job.

4. Discipline, determination, and time - First time distance learning students are often surprised by the amount of discipline necessary to stay on task and complete the online assignment. It takes unfaltering determination to achieve an online education. In addition, without regularly scheduled classes, it is essential to exercise good time management skills. To keep focused, without the physical presence of educator and peers, it is important to establish communication with other students to have another push toward success in your education degree online

5. Take advantage of the facilities available - Online lectures and email correspondence are a great venue for facilitating communication with fellow students, tutors, and instructors. Take every opportunity to utilize these options as a means of progressing through the classes, staying motivated, and feeling connected with your accredited online college or university.

6. Make use of Credit transfers - Even institutions solely dedicated to the online education degree will generally accept some, or all, of the credits obtained from another accredited online college or university. So, to avoid the expense and time necessary to retake unneeded courses, make the effort to obtain official transcripts. Then, the applicable credits can be transferred, bringing the student a little closer to that coveted diploma.

7. Make use of the educational technology - Accredited online universities offer a plethora of opportunities for doing necessary research and other facilities to ensure adequate completion of the course. Normally, the cost of virtual libraries, the programs to access online lectures, and even student online access and e-mail accounts are factored into the cost of the course. Therefore, it only makes sense to use all the technology available to make the most of the educational opportunity in achieving an online education degree. - 31521

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How To keep Your Job And Achieve A Distance Learning Education At The Same Time

By Mary Jackson

Distance learning students and those pursuing online degree programs seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education without actually needing to attend classes physically, and at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a paycheck. In fact, this is one of the more prominent distance learning benefits that attract many students to make this their choice of education. In addition to that, distance learning students also gain the advantage of flexibility where they are able to study at their own pace without adhering to fixed class schedules.

However, amidst these benefits, distance learning requires a lot of discipline and motivation from students. When we are juggling between a job and studies, it is very easy to lose track of your priorities and fail to keep up to mark. Moreover, distance learning students do not have the advantage of getting their learning drive renewed whenever they interact with lecturers or peers in classes.

Therefore, how can distance learning students then overcome this challenge? One habit that a student must adopt is good time management. There is only 24 hours in a day and it is up to us to utilize our time in the best way possible. Set up a daily or weekly plan for yourself and ensure that you set aside time for your studies daily. If you have a family, let them know about your schedule so that they know when you should not be disturbed. Divide your time appropriately between your work, your family and your studies. Of course, discipline is important here as any schedule will not do any good if it is not followed.

Another important aspect of a distance learning education is to stay in touch with classmates and instructors through email, instant messenger(IM), college discussion boards or Internet calling. Discuss projects and assignments with peers who can help you stay focused by holding you accountable, and providing motivation and encouragement whenever needed.

Also, do not forget to give yourself a pat on the back once in a while. Set up a calendar of specific goals. When the milestone is reached, reward yourself. Thus, it will be a source of encouragement and help in facing the inevitable hurdles presented by a distance learning education. In essence, it is nice to see and acknowledge personal progress.

Additionally, it is ever essential for a distance learning student to set up a quiet place for study away from home life distractions, such as the television, phone calls or other family members. Organize an off-limits study area or lock yourself in a quiet room to ensure optimum focus. Apart from that, a good chair, a strong table and adequate space are also essential elements in creating a conducive environment.

Distance learning education is an excellent way to improve job skills while opening a door to new job opportunities. However, success depends on the individual. With hard work, determination and the discipline to stay on track and maintain good study habits, academic excellence is within sight, without relocating and sacrificing job and family. - 31521

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Encouragement: Lighting The Fire of Motivation

By Shawn Doyle

I decided to take a walk at my local park. It's a great workout about a half mile loop around a paved path that has steep hills. I wasn't running but I was walking at a very brisk pace. A man who I did not know was running the path in the opposite direction. On the first lap passing me he said to me "good job!" I wondered to myself why is this man talking to me? I don't know him. On the second lap he gave me a thumbs up signal and a smile. This was really something I thought- I guy who is a complete stranger is encouraging me on my walk! On the next lap he clapped for me. On the last lap I was so inspired I started running. I wanted to please my coach!

Stop what you are doing and think about this for one moment. In your organization who should be the one who provides the most encouragement and motivation? You. Consider the power encouragement can have. So before you stop reading this, here is a compelling reason : results. So lets put the PMA stuff aside for a minute and understand that as a leader your job is to get results. That can't be through you it has to be through your people. So as the leader you have to give them encouragement, high energy and make them feel appreciated. They want their work to be recognized. The issue is that most leaders dont do this at all. So your job is to be the CEO- cheif encouragement officer.

So here are some ideas for providing encouragement that are quick and effective. They may seem small but they can be very effective in helping get better results.

Speak to all people- Many times I have seen a "big wig" walk into a room at a big meeting with hundreds of employees, pass by everyone, ignoring them and greeting other " big wigs " on the far side of the room. How silly is that? They were making the small people feel even smaller. This created resentment and people felt slighted. Who would blame them? What a huge error. When you are touring or visiting an office or even in your own offices do you take the time to say "hello" to people? Maybe you are pressed for time. Do you at least give people non verbal positive signals? They need the small gestures of acknowledgement.

Applaud their work- I was once up upon a time an execuitve with a big company. If I saw someone performaing at a high level I would hand write a card (embossed with my name at the top) and would thank them for their great work. I would be on the road and visit an office and find that card that I wrote proudly displayed. So the lesson was that everyone wants some credit for their work, a thank you, or a pat on the back. Front line people often tell me they never get a compliment. So when people work really hard to do something " over and above" the call of duty, make sure to notice and acknowledge it. When people do great work let them know!

Balance criticism- It is really incredibly easy to criticize other people's work. Mistakes are part of the human condition. As a trainer I often ask people to critique their role-play in class starting with "what went well?" In variably they always start with the negative feedback. Maybe it is human nature. I want you as a leader to find a balance between positive and negative feedback. Too many managers just pound away at a team member and eventually morale goes way down. I am not suggesting by the way, not providing critical feedback I am saying you are already throwing the salt; mix in a little sugar.

Give surprise rewards- Give people rewards when they least expect it. Find small ways to reward them. This can be a gift card, a few extra hours off, taking someone to lunch, or even buying the team a box of donuts in the morning. Just make sure it is when they least expect it and it is positioned as a reward. Say "well I just want you to know that I know how hard you have been working on the project. Here is a small token of my appreciation. Thanks." Done properly it will be the discussion at dinner at home that night. "Hey guess what my boss did at work today? You will never believe it."

The secret to great leadership is really not a secret at all. You as a leader need to encourage people, help them feel as if their work matters because it does. We all matter.

So go ahead -get busy! - 31521

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