Top Five Techniques For A Annoyance Free Marriage

By Carol Ann

When you are in the "honeymoon" stage of marriage there is nothing that your spouse can do that will case you stress. Your spouse can do no wrong and is the best thing since sliced bread was invented. Then suddenly day to day issues begin to seep into your marriage and you start to get a little annoyed at the littlest things your spouse may do. After a few years this mere annoyance turns into something much larger and can begin to case trouble for you and your spouse.

Before these annoyance have a chance to ruin the marriage that you and your spouse have worked so hard to build take a look at these tips. The tips that will be provided will assist you with cooling things down a bit, before the damage us unrepairable.

1. Adjust Your Sights On Reality- You are well aware that nobody is perfect. Then why do you expect your spouse to be? Instead of focuses on the little things, put your focus on all the ways that your spouse makes your life better.

2. Breathe- There is a lot to this method of calming yourself. Take a few deep breaths and count to ten and you will be surprised at how your perspective returns.

3. Discuss, Don't Fight- If there is an annoyance in your marriage that you just can not take anymore and you feel may get out of control if you keep silent any longer as your spouse if you can sit and discuss it. When you sit with your spouse you want to make sure that you do not get petty and most of all you do not scream or yell. Talk calmly and rationally until you can come to a solution that will suit both of you.

4. Create Moments To Spend Together- Take some time in the day, or at least once a week, to spend solely with your spouse. You can leave the kids with a sitter and go out to dinner, plan a romantic getaway together and spend time looking at all the places you can visit and what you will do. Don't just plan the getaway make sure that you actually go on the getaway. Time for the two of you does not always have to cost money though. It can be staying at home and watching a movie while you snuggle (instead of sitting on opposite ends of the couch), play a board game, or whatever activity that you both enjoy to do. Many couples even choose a show that they both like and once a week sit down to watch it together. This is a great way to schedule partner time for you and your spouse.

5. Turn The Annoyance Into A Joke- Sometimes it is better to laugh then get mad. If you can find a way to make the annoyance humorous, without making fun of your spouse, you will find the annoyance will go away and turn into a joke. Play a game of hide and seek with shoes that are always being left around the house, or freeze their dirty clothes if they always leave them on the floor. Nothing should be done with anger, instead it should be completed with a loving heart. Be careful not to cross a line and do something that will anger or hurt your spouse. My husband has a bad habit of leaving his sleep machine tube out and it brakes all the time because the kids like to play with it. When I make the beds in the morning and notice that he forgot to put it away I will then hide it on him. Each night before bed we would get a good laugh at the different places that I found to hide is tube. It has now gotten to the point that I am saddened when I don't see it because I know that we will not be playing our game of hide and seek that night. It was the perfect way to turn an annoying (and costly) situation into something fun and bonding.

Remember, living with the same person day in and day out can become very stressful. Follow these steps and you will find that although some of the annoyances may remain, they will no longer seem as large as they once did. - 31521

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Cosmic Ordering - From Dream To Reality

By Samantha Hill

Today people have become more and more aware are trying different ways to lead a more fulfilled life. A lot of alternatives are available these days to allow you to make your dreams come true, however nothing compares to cosmic ordering.

Cosmic ordering is nothing but a different form of a spiritual practice which enables you to get all your wishes and desires fulfilled by the universe. All you need to do is to ask or just order and you will get it. Though this may be some what a spiritual process but it doesn't mean you need to be a saint to get the results. Yes, if you are one, then it will only help but this process works for normal people as well.

Cosmic ordering aids in manifesting your goals and dreams the spiritual way. You only need to order or ask the universe for what ever you want. You can ask for anything from changing your life completely or circumstances to fulfill your ambitions.

Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer believe that to manifest your order with the universe, you need to be in something known as the 'field of intent'. This is nothing but an invisible energy field which aids and catalyses the connection between the spirit and the universe and helps in manifesting our desires.

There is a high probability that you have done cosmic ordering before without realizing what it really was. If you jog your memory, then there must have been a time when you really wanted something badly and you got it. Most people term it as a coincidence and don't realize the true power they have. It's never a coincidence, it was just cosmic ordering.

Intention is nothing but when our desires combine with the power of our faith. Cosmic ordering is all about the intention and its power. If your intention is powerful enough and you truly believe that you deserve what you want, then you are sure to get it. The key here is that you need to have an intense desire for what you want and have faith deep down that you deserve it.

There are many people who may say that they want a new house or a coveted promotion or job. However, deep inside consciously or subconsciously they may not believe that they worked hard to get their wishes or that they deserved it. For this to work, you need to believe that you deserve what you are asking for.

This process of cosmic ordering is one of the simplest and the easiest to do and it can really give you a better life. The only downside is that you need to use it well and for manifesting positive things. If you believe that you will just get negative then it will work in the way you think and you may get negative things.

For instance if you think that your boss is out to fire you and believe it, then you will end up getting fired one day. Hence if you don't want the negative, than think and just concentrate on all the positive things you want to manifest.

Many people who have been trapped in bad conditions and think that they don't deserve happiness or the good things of life don't really realize the truth and hence it is almost next to impossible for them to learn to manifest the good things.

Your subconscious mind can also become your biggest enemy and hindrance in manifesting the things that you desire because the beliefs fed into it for years may not allow it to believe in the cosmic ordering service.

Communication with the subconscious mind can be accomplished by self hypnosis, meditation and simple affirmations. It's not tough at all!

Since the time this secret has been revealed, millions of people have actually used cosmic ordering to make their lives fun and have everything that they ever wanted. Now it's your turn to get what you want through cosmic ordering. - 31521

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Consider the Power of "Why"

By Dr. Michael J. Duckett

If you create a big enough "why" you want to accomplish something, the "how" you're going to make it happen will always come.

Something must be big and you will need a reason "why" you are going after something. In fact, it must be bigger than yourself.

The why in any worthy goal is also called the "Purpose" or "Mission Statement." When you create a purpose for why you want something, and only maintain your focus on this "why" success will be inevitable.

Here's the process for greater success in any area of life.

1. Decide what it is that you want. If you can not decide what you want, then identify what you don't want and use the opposite to determine what you want.

2. Identify what specific results this desire will give your life. Will it make you happier, healthier, wealthier, or more loving? Specifically write down what this desire will give your life. Include emotions because the subconscious mind loves emotions.

3. Now you will write your plan of action with goals and action steps. You do not have to know the complete plan from beginning to end. Simply write the best plan of action you can for now. Remember, you plan of action will be changing along the way.

4. Assign completion dates for each of your action steps. Disregard any limitations or obstacles during this part of the process. The key to success is to keep going toward your desired result and don't give attention or energy to anything that prevents it. This includes but is not limited to lack of money, time, energy, or knowledge. All of these things can be overcome along the way. The main point is to get going and staying focused on exhausting all of your current action steps. When your current action steps are completed, new possibilities will arise.

5. Imagine you are driving a vehicle. You stay focused on your final destination, right? Just because unforeseen things occur, do not abandon your journey. Make life adjustments for what you desire along the way. Don't let your desires adjust to your life. Imagine what it would be like if you were driving to work and noticed your gas gauge said "empty." Would you turn the car around and go back home or would you stop for gas? Of course, you would get and get gas and continue on your way. It is the same for your desires-don't stop.

Is it really that simple? The answer is that it is not that simple. You will want to use mental training to learn to discipline your mind. Concentrate only on what you want. Avoid thinking about what you do not want. Here is the good news. Mental discipline, just like any exercise, develops in a short spam of time. Your benefits will last a lifetime.

Some people will read this article and will immediately say to themselves, "I've got it." They will begin applying the mentioned method which will result in a completely new level of success. But, some will talk themselves right out of it and justify why they can not use this advice for their personal situations. No matter what, both groups are right.

As Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

Expand into your true self. Do not play a smaller game than you are capable. This is not about a life without problems, but it is a life which is based upon expansion. I support you in creating your dream life.

Your time is NOW. Begin right now in upgrading your life to the next level. I encourage you in finding a whole new level of life and self that you never knew existed.

I do not care to focus on the limitations imposed by the economy, health, life, etc. I choose what I want and begin the process. I have shared with you here will help you in creating a new reality. After you use this process, you too will create an unbelievable life.

Until our next time together, I am

In Loving Service, Dr. Michael J. Duckett - 31521

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Lessons In Speed Hypnosis.

By Mary Glenn

Hypnotherapy has improved over the years. In ancient times, the particular prowess of hypnotherapy was engaged chiefly intended for restorative healing intentions, with its earlier existence being ascribed to a healer. Here we'll examine a new strategy called fast hypnosis.During the method of treatment, the hypnotist would likely block out any sort of distraction as concentration is necessary. He or she placed themself in the comfy and at ease state during the treatment and also focused their subconscious thoughts on treating the individual.

Nowadays, more advanced programs and methods for hypnotherapy are actually subjected and are also being used currently. One of many modern advancements of this method is known as fast hypnosis. This is a hypnotic process that causes a hypnotic state inside a really small amount of time, often only taking mere seconds before the subject is completely relaxed. The exact technique of high-speed induction had been first presented by one of the pioneers in the medical application connected with hypnosis.

This particular practice of inducing hypnosis swiftly then gained plenty of fame and is as a matter of fact is still being used by hypnosis authorities today. This system of immediate hypnosis ensures the subject will go under inside merely Three to 7 seconds. In forming this bettered process, We draw upon a mix of all Six acknowledged techniques to cause a hypnotic trance - bafflement, tedium, eye fixation, surprise, distraction, along with a loss of balance.

A number of hypnotists that at this time perform instantaneous hypnosis achieve this only after a couple of classes. This is to be able to assure that the subject is currently quite easy with the therapist and defintely won't be too shocked by being hastened into a state of hypnosis practically as soon as he / she comes in the therapist's office. The subject is usually geared up for instant hypnosis by having it suggested in a earlier visit. When in a hypnotic trance, the hypnotherapist will inform the subject that on the subsequent session, he can immediately go under the moment the therapist grabs his / her hands and also persuades them to sleep.

This technique is actually believed the most efficient quick hypnosis induction approach as well as the simplest make use of. The hypnotist solely takes the subject's hands then suggests "Sleep" while doing so that he releases the hand. Of course, it is necessary that ahead of the initial hypnosis session, to exhaustively speak about the strategies with the subject to ensure they know anything that he will be experiencing.

Currently, instantaneous hypnosis is recognized as an effective medical application that is frequently applied to manage or reduce negative behavior for instance dependency on alcohol together with smoking. Additionally it is being used for weight loss not to mention weight control. As a matter of fact, it really is being boasted as among the most convenient and easiest ways of creating prolonged positive variations in an person's life. There are no damaging negative effects associated with hypnosis and there's absolutely no danger of becoming stuck inside a hypnotic trance. The truth is, the reason why hypnosis is often implemented privately is because even the littlest distraction can easily swiftly break a hypnotic spell. - 31521

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Your Subconscious Mind - The Reality Creator?

By Martin J Church

Want to become a multi-millionaire? Looking to find true love and happiness? Then you need look no further than your subconscious mind! Our minds are truly our greatest treasures, for those who learn how to harness the power of the mind, there is nothing that you cannot then achieve.

Of course, there are some that have totally dismissed the concept of mind power and see believers as gullible or easily led. But, scientific studies also show that what and how we think creates our reality.

There are scientists that have also documented that what we think and believe to be reality is little more than a manifestation of your subconscious mind. It goes to say that those able to tap into their minds are able to take control of their reality.

To find the success you want, you need to reshape how you think: retraining negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions with positivity and faith in yourself. Even your nightly dreams and imagination need to reflect more positivity to help you get what you desire.

The most basic rationale behind mind power is that we are the ones to shape our realities through a common cause and effect relationship. Those that believe in the power of suggestion and channel it to your subconscious mind, you can tell it exactly what you want. From this, you will achieve your success as opposed to just drifting in and out of your current situation.

For mind power to work, you have to focus on nourishing your subconscious mind. Daily positive affirmations are one of the easiest ways to quickly bring about change in your thinking.

Affirmations are simply sentences that can be chanted multiple times throughout the day, banishing away negative thoughts and sorrows. They work to increase your confidence and help you learn to trust the power of your brain. Affirmations can be about any issue you are facing from encouragement that you can lose weight, to breaking an addiction or chanting that you will find true love.

However, you must not limit yourself to just thinking about things as you will need to visualize your dreams to make them come true.

Once you close your eyes and look inwards towards the results that you desire. You need to imagine yourself losing weight or amassing the money needed to purchase a new home. Yes, you can allow your imagination to go a little wild. You can feel those sensations and accomplish your goals as if they were really happening.

Bring these visualizations into your life, by getting creative. Write down what it feels like to accomplish this goal, make a scrapbook to encourage you. Fill it with pictures of the new car you want to buy or the dream wedding you want to afford.

Through changing the manner in which you see reality, you will shape your subconscious mind which means you may be able to unlock supernatural talents. Psychics that are able to see into the future or past, those with telekinesis, and those with supernatural abilities are not born with a talent others do not have. Instead, they have just learned how to use their full potential and unlock all talents hidden away in the subconscious mind.

With the positivity of mind power, you become the director in your own life instead of a passive player. Your subconscious mind can even be the secret to living a healthy life free from disease since many of our physical ailments actually start in the brain. Brainwave synchronization or audios that tune your brainwaves to a specific frequency can also help improve self-esteem and the ability to think positively. - 31521

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Natural Remedies For Anxiety

By John Knight

Are you looking for the natural remedies for anxiety? If yes, this article is for you. You can get natural remedies from many different sources. There are numerous solutions for solving the anxiety problem but the natural solution is the best one.

Mostly people find that they are getting the symptoms of anxiety just because of not getting the adequate sleep. It is very important that you get sleep of at least eight hours a day. This helps in recharging your body and reduces fatigue and also repairs damaged cells. This can only be done when you are sleeping and if you do not sleep for a good amount of time then your body will not be able to heal the cells and you will feel fatigued and stressed. This is because of the chemical imbalance which also leads to stress and anxiety.

Taking a good balanced diet is also helpful in getting rid of anxiety. Take high quality food because the deficiency of vitamins and minerals can lead to stress and anxiety. The deficiency of main vitamin that is vitamin B and its family also leads to stress and anxiety. It is utmost important that you take good diet which is rich in vitamins and minerals.

One more natural remedy for anxiety is Siberian ginseng. This helps in boosting up of adrenal glands. Due to this boost there is good amount of secretion of adrenaline. This helps in reduction of stress and getting rid of anxiety.

There is a special herb for getting rid of stress and anxiety named St. John's Wort. Using this herb you will be able to reduce the panic attacks and helps in reduction of stress. This herb is also good for reducing the symptoms of depression. Yoga is also a very good remedy for anxiety. If you will practice yoga everyday along with meditation then you will get the best results three times faster. Also learn breathing exercises and you will find a great change in your life. Also exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. This will give you relaxation and calmness.

Passionflower, lavender and lemon balm are also helpful herbs for getting rid of panic attacks. These herbs are also useful for insomnia, anxiety and depression. These herbs also give you calmness by giving good sleep. Also there is no side effect of these herbs. So if you take full sleep and rest your body, it will secrete good glands hence giving good results.

You can also take the help of internet to get suggestions for getting rid of anxiety. There are many different sites on internet which are useful for consultation. Some sites also sell herbal medicines and herbs at a very low rate. They give good discounts that are more than market discounts. Also you will get the product just by sitting at home.

Natural ways are the fastest ways for healing a problem. A deep research is done for getting good results. The best part about natural remedies is that there is no side effect. - 31521

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The Four Different Brainwave States

By Dan Murphy

Using binaural beats will easily allow you to obtain varied states of mind rather easily. These various frequencies allow your brain to tune into different states. These states can assist you with a multitude of items, including assisting in keeping a positive state of mind, focus, learning, relaxing, achieving a meditative state and many more.

Over time, it has been studied by scientists that varying states of mind are related to different frequencies. As an example, if you were to tune your brain to a frequency of about 9 to 14 Hz (Hertz is the number of changes per minute), this would be related to a relaxed mental state, or a state where you may be reflecting on something. What binaural beats allow you to do is to achieve this type of state. Not to mention, putting yourself into the brainwave state you want is simple with just a CD or MP3 player.

You may be asking how one's mind can be tuned into these type of frequencies. This is achieved by playing two different sounds (one in each ear) at different (but similar) frequencies. As an example, if a tone at 400 Hz is administered to the right ear, and a tone of 410 Hz is played in the left ear, a "binaural beat" is created as the difference between the two frequencies. In this example, the difference of the two would be 10 Hz.

These frequencies can be classified into four categories, with each category targeting a different state of mind. The names of these frequencies should be very familiar to you, as they are commonly used when speaking of other topics, but more especially when talking about binaural beats. These frequencies are referred to as theta, delta, alpha, and beta.

The first category is the beta frequencies. This is the range from 13 Hz to 25 Hz. This range is used to achieve a state of alertness, and remove anxiety and stress.

The second category would be the alpha frequencies. The alpha frequencies range from 8 to 12 Hz. When the binaural beat is delivered in this range, it produces "superlearning," positive thinking, and also a state of light relaxation.

The third category is the theta frequencies. Frequencies in the theta range are within 4 to 7 Hz. This range of frequencies can result in increased focus, improved memory, deep relaxation, and is fantastic for meditation.

The last and final category is the delta range. The delta frequencies are primarily responsible for deeper sleep, increased immune functions, and lucid dreaming.

As you can clearly see, there are a great number of benefits that binaural beats have to offer... And this article doesn't cover each one of them either. They require no practice or experience at all -- Just someone with an open mind to get started. - 31521

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Grim Panic Attacks

By Curtis Weber

For most of the people, a panic attack might be something they experience a few times in their life, if at all . However , a severe panic attack comes on suddenly and for no apparent reason, and can even manifest intense physical reactions. Severe panic attacks can be terrifying, and could cause someone to believe that they're about to die, as they frequently mimic coronary symptoms. For those who experience panic attacks often, could be suffering from a recognized ailment called panic disorder.

Severe Panic Attacks Symptoms

A quick heart rate, shortness of breath, woozy spells, revulsion and hot flushes are all harsh panic attack symptoms. Different folk experience varying symptoms, which include sweating, faintness, quivering, headache, chest agony from stress and anxiety, hyperventilation, abdominal cramping, chills, tightness in your throat and having trouble swallowing. In most situations, panic attacks come on suddenly, and sometimes build for the following ten minutes. Among the many different forms people have experienced are panic attacks that can last for a half hour and barely, lasting a full day. Most panic attacks leave the person exhausted, and the very idea of having another one itself, can cause serious foreboding symptoms. In dreadful cases, people are disinclined to leave their homes, feeling that no other place is safe.

Often , there is limited understanding of the causes of grim panic attacks or panic disorder. However , stress, genetics and changes in brain function may be the contributing factors. The changes someone experiences during a panic attack, is the body's natural reply to danger. By inflating pulse rate and respiring, the body money itself to fight, or for flight. What leaves most scientists flummoxed is why these changes are experienced in situations where there is no clear danger.

Harsh Panic Attack Treatments

The good news is that proper treatment effectively controls and gets rid of all the symptoms of severe panic attack. With medicines and / or psychotherapy, an individual is able to live a normal life. Some of the medicines used to regulate the symptoms that may often include depression are :

* SSRIs : These are medicines that fall in the category of antidepress-ants called selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. They include citalopram ( Celexa ), fluoxetine ( Prozac, Prozac Weekly ), escitalopram ( Lexapro ), sertraline ( Zoloft ), and paroxetine ( Paxil, Paxil CR ).

* MAOIs : The mono-amine oxidase inhibitors or MAOIs are mood depress-ants that are used as a final resort medicine, as they need strict diet restrictions and may cause potentially terminal side-effects. They include selegiline ( Emsam ), phenelzine ( Nardil ), isocarboxazid ( Marplan ) and tranylcypromine ( Parnate ).

* SNRIs : These serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors or SNRIs are mood suppressants prescribed for mood disorders like depression and include duloxetine ( Cymbalta ) and venlafaxine ( Effexor, Effexor XR ).

* Benzodiazepines : These mild sedatives are part of the family of central nervous system ( CNS ) depressants. They can be addictive when consumed in high doses for a long duration. They include alprazolam ( Xanax ), lorazepam ( Ativan ) and clonazepam ( Klonopin ). - 31521

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3 More Reasons Why You Should Manage Your Anger

By Broyde McDonald

You always hear about being angry can harm you. However, your anger also affects the people who are around you as well.

How your anger hurts the ones that are around you

They have to stay away from you

There are people who are concerned about you. At least most of you that is.

The problem is there are people who love you and really would like your company. These are the ones who see you as a special person. But they stay away so that they can protect themselves from you. They know that you are capable of hurting them, or you might just be anti social. So for their emotional health and personal safety, they stay away from you.

When you are angry you can cause the people who love you to feel as if they are not even alive inside.

When you are mad, you make other people mad

The smart people would stay away from you for one big reason. Your anger without a doubt would make them angry too.

Anger, like happiness, disappointment and sadness is only an emotion. And being just an emotion, they are easily transferred from one person to another. That is the way that emotions work, they catch, they are contagious.

So this means that if I know that you are angry and I go to where you are for only five minutes, I run the risk of having my entire day messed up. How smart a person would that make me, when I know what is likely to happen.

Angry people can mess up a child for life

Maybe you know already that children learn how to act angry in a very short space of time.

If your child watches you and learns how to act angry like you do, you have just made his life that much more complicated. The reason is because unless he unlearns destroying behavior he will only learn how to make the destroying behavior worse.

What you are going to get is a little person who becomes an adult that is likely to see every problem that people with uncontrolled anger see. There will be a difference with his problems though. His problems are likely to come while he is still young. Which would also mean that during his adult life his anger would affect him more, more than it did for the person he learned to be angry from.

Stop it don't let it happen anymore. Control your anger. The anger management classes you get here will see you over the hard parts of getting your anger under control. - 31521

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Believing in Mind Power - Surpassing Intelligence

By Alexander George

Do you believe in mind power like I do? If yes then you should agree with me that with the help of mind power we can achieve our goals and dreams in life, right? Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who never fully trust themselves and they set aside their power of mind.

However there are still many people that disagree to this belief and never realized how important mind power is. They don't understand how the power of mind works and just stay where they are, unsatisfied, unhappy and been facing many misfortunes. They don't trust mind power and they don't use this to fulfill their dreams and desires in life.

It would not be nice to argue or fight with them because that is what they believe, and I also have mine. However, I just want to make them realize the ability of mind to help them achieve their dreams and goals in life and motivate them that there is still something that they can do to improve their state in life.

The reason behind these failures and misfortunes is actually improper use of mind power where they take for granted their capabilities to let their mind work for them. It would be nice to be humble but it is not wrong to dream big for yourself, loved ones and family. Why settle for less when you can do something to be successful and become an achiever?

First and foremost, you have to be attentive to your needs before putting them into action. Try to base them in a positive category where you believe that there are no impossibilities to achieve them. It is not bad or wrong to dream of something real big because dreams are yet to come true if they only just believe. This basically teaches you that you should not limit your abilities to what your mind can see. If we think deeper, there is still more. That's how subconscious mind help you become successful.

After knowing what you want, focus on that dream and concentrate. Know the needs of that dream and work on that. Do not give up or lose hope if during your first tries there will be imperfections.

Another thing about mind power, you will not achieve something if you are not serious about your dream and if you do not focus to your goals and desires. Go find a direction and know your priorities. Be responsible enough to work things out with concentration and eagerness to fulfill your task. Life is not about being easy and worthless; you have to exert effort and hard work.

Successful entrepreneurs' became truly successful because of hard work and effort. Inspire yourself from their achievements and think positive that someday you will be like them. If you know what kind of attitude to observe while you are on the process of becoming an achiever? In time you will be jumping for joy for all the blessings.

Don't think of negative energies and don't lose hope that easily because success comes with eagerness and pursuance. Don't allow anything to crash all your dreams away.

If you think that there are certain formulas behind mind power then you are wrong. There are no such things like that because the only key to success is to let them work with you while you are struggling to achieve your dreams. Let them work, don't take them for granted, they come naturally in the time we least expect it. - 31521

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How To Stop Panic Attacks - Discovering What You Can Do To End Your Fears Once And For All

By Nolan Stokes

When it comes to learning how to prevent panic attacks, folks incline to overlook it. The common notion is that when you feel you are about to have an attack, the symptoms would continuously progress even if you do everything you might.

Many individuals always try to look for formulas that may make them lose the condition as swiftly as breathing one cycle. But , there isn't any such thing as fast recovery system from the attack. You'll need to fight it off and stop it from developing so you won't have to face the horrible effects. What if you find that there are things that you can actually do?

Avoid stimulants

What are these stimulants? Stimulants include caffeine, nicotine and sugar. All of these substances can provide you with boost in your energy and keeps you awake. You will undergo a lot of stress because these stimulants will keep you going even if your intellect is at the point of break down. You have to recollect that your grey matter wishes rest. You have to believe me when I say that the fitness of your consciousness is equal to the health of your body. Foods that increase sugar content in your blood will trigger the release of adrenaline. And, it will make your body respond to the sympathetic nervous system where your pulse increases. As a result, this may put you at risk for an attack.

Always know that reduction of these substances will truly make significant difference in the way that you handle an attack.

Spend some time with yourself

Don't forget to save a little time alone where you may be away from work, kids, household chores and family. It is only when you are alone that you can think and rest peacefully. When you believe, you will understand that things are not real especially your fears. You are just having an exaggerated response to fear of the unknown.

You fear something that is not particularly there and this is what you should fight. You can take long walks, window shop, dine at fine cafes or spend overnight in a luxury suit hotel as long as you are away from stress. You can get a body massage from spas with aromatherapy. To explain, you need to treat yourself while passing some time alone. This may help you calm. Do this at least once in a week. I do think your family and friends will see why you do this. You are helping yourself as much as your medical counselor does. - 31521

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Giving Value To The Powers Of A Psychic Clairvoyant

By Richard David

It is true that there are really some factors about life which can never be explained scientifically. Although it is possible for science to talk about the law of gravity wherein everything that goes up are bound to go down but science can never clarify why there are people who has the extraordinary powers of determining the future, of talking to ghosts, of reading minds, and those other skills that can be very confusing for ordinary fellows. Science for sure can't tackle about the subject of psychic clairvoyant.

ESP or the Extra Sensory Perception is the ability of someone to gather information outside the normal sensory channels of the body like the sense of sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch. Due to the fact that this is fairly a confusing topic, studies regarding this kind of phenomenon is inadequate.

The capability to acquire information in terms of certain location, event, or item without the need to employ the five senses is termed as clairvoyance. In the history, many psychic clairvoyants existed. Among the most famous is Emmanuel Swedenborg during the 18th century. The person is humble Swedish scientist who had visions about a fire burning located three hundred miles from Stockholm. After two hours, talked to public about his visions then the governor was notified. After a few hours, a courier arrived at their place to concur with Swedenborg's visions. The fire did truly exist.

Although this topic is something "weird" as for ordinary fellows out there, the truth is that psychic clairvoyant are factual, to the point that they can truly forecast events.

Even though it is erroneous to suggest that they are perfect in giving their forecast, it is incorrect though to presume that they are fakes. Because they know that there is always a room for mistakes, they would usually warn people that what they proclaim are things likely to occur; hence they are not a hundred percent sure about their forecasts.

Normal people would share the common misconceptions of thinking that psychics can give an extremely clear picture about the things that the future holds. You should understand that the power of psychics is limited to telling people about the various things that could happen in their life, given the choices the person can make.

At the end of the day, it is still the person who has the right to make decisions on how to be able to pursue his or her own life. Irregardless of what the psychic clairvoyant says, it is still the individual himself who should discover what the future has to offer.

If ever you see that the predictions given by psychic clairvoyant appears to be erroneous, do not blame his readings. After all, it is still our very own decisions that take us to our destiny hence it is us who should be blamed more than anyone or anything else. What a psychic clairvoyant can do is to just open our eyes to the possibilities of your decisions.

So never frown in case the psychic failed to discuss your destiny in specific detail. The best thing for you to do is to seek his or her help to guide you in seeing the outcomes of various decisions that you will have to do. - 31521

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Could You Benefit From Trying Past Life Regression?

By James A Simmeon

People have always had a great interest in learning about their past lives. Many religions have a strong belief in the existence of a past life. Most want to learn about their past lives out of curiosity but the fact is you can make a change for the better in your life by using it. Most people do not think about it that way when they seek to discover their past lives.

Unfortunately, most of us are only interested in the happenings of our prior lifetimes due to curiosity. The will to change our present lives for good is what makes Past Life Regression (PLR) such a beneficial therapy.

Research has shown that Past Life Regression yields good results in the treatment of emotional problems. There is no doubt that you can make a positive change in your life by remembering your past life and the bad experiences you had in that time period..

The process involves usually a hypnosis session with a Past Life Regression expert, or it can also be done via self hypnosis. There are other tools that can help.

For example, regular affirmation sessions ensure it is acceptable to your subconscious mind to remember the events of your past lives.

Before embarking on a Past Life Regression session, there are several things that you need to understand and accept.

Past life is a part of our present life. The memory of events from previous lives is hidden somewhere in the unconscious that just needs some external help to bring it to life.

You cannot just know about your past life and expect your life to improve. You have to take the necessary steps to put this information to use before it will benefit you.

You can use your experiences in your past lives to make changes for the better in your present life. Knowledge of your past will help in your present and future life. You will learn from the mistakes of the past.

For those who do not believe in reincarnation Past Life Regression can still help them have a better life. Even if they believe their memories of the past are only imaginary, they can still apply it to better their lives and avoid mistakes in what they do day by day. It is a great tool for people who wish to change their lives and have greater success.

Whatever you believe, the experts still advise you to go through Past Life Regression because of two reasons:

a) If what you learn from remembering your past life helps you to have a better life, this is because what you remembered was from a past life.

b) If you think you have imagined everything it can still be of help to you as it can clear your head of things that are stopping you from being successful.

What benefits should you expect from Past Life Regression?

1) It helps our present life by making us deal with the traumatic events of the past.

2) It helps in bringing about clarity of thought and decision making in our personality.

3) Learning from the mistakes committed in the past prevents the repetition of those mistakes in the present life. For instance, you may have acted cruelly against someone in your past life. This knowledge will help you avoid the same behavior in your present life.

4) You have potential that you do not realize you have. Exploring your past live will make you see a talent or skill that may be buried deep in your subconscious. Discovering this could change your outlook on life forever.

5) Understanding the past life experiences answers a lot of burning questions about one's attributes, personality, characteristics, etc. in the present life.

Past Life Regression is certainly a win-win proposition for believers and disbelievers. If you want to make a positive change in your present life, it is definitely worth trying! - 31521

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The Most Dangerous Of Drug Interventions

By David Lee

As a drug and alcohol intervention specialist, occasionally I am asked if an intervention ever becomes dangerous? Although, generally speaking, we do the best to provide a very caring life-changing event, there is one primary drug that creates more chaos than others. A Heroin addict is generally receptive. An alcoholic, a bit critical but will hear us out. The crack or cocaine abuser, is looking for a quick fix for his problems and thinks that it exists for recovery as well. The methamphetamine abuser, however, is a complete roll of the dice. In almost every case of violence an danger, methamphetamine has been the drug of choice in the client.

During the 1970's in Southern California, advances in chemistry allowed an average chemist to create, relatively easily, cheap batches of methamphetamine. Control of the methamphetamine market was gained by the bike gangs of San Diego and transported across the nation to rural parts of the United States. A favorite of truck drivers for it's ability to allow long periods without sleep, methamphetamine had found its way into America's heartland.

The initial stages of methamphetamine abuse are positive. For the one who is insecure, feelings of confidence ensue. For those looking for clearer thinking, meth is an effective answer. An increased ability to work longer hours is attractive to others.

Usually within the first 2 years of methamphetamine abuse, as the body chemistry is becoming altered and the brain chemistry is becoming 'rewired" mild personality disorders begin to occur, often lasting long after the last methamphetamine binge. Manic Depression and Obsessive Compulsive disorder are quite common at this stage.

In addition to mood swings, and obsessive compulsive traits, later stages of methamphetamine usage result in major psychotic breaks. Hearing voices or seeing people following them that aren't really there are rather common. In worst cases the meth user will try and "defend" themselves from those people involved in the conspiracy against him.

Having 10 interventionists on staff, occasionally we have seen almost every case methamphetamine was involved. It is sometimes impossible to speak rationally to someone who, for all intents and purposes, isn't even really there. Explosively reactive, completely unwilling to take any accountability, blaming everyone else for any slight discomfort in their life, the meth abuser often attacks, sometimes the family, oftentimes the interventionist. This is why many consider an intervention on a methamphetamine abuser to be the most dangerous of interventions. - 31521

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Using Hypnosis to Change Your Life

By Scarlett Ritter

If you are looking for positive changes in your life, hypnosis can help. Hypnosis, or the process of altering your subconscious to achieve a bound goal, could be a delicate and subtle ability which will create drastic changes in someones life in an exceedingly terribly short period of time. However, there are a few things that you ought to bear in mind if you're seeking positive changes through hypnosis.

On top of all, it takes a want to vary backing the treatments to create positive changes through hypnosis work. How badly you would like to make the changes in your life usually determines how well you'll succeed at hypnosis. This can be thanks to the actual fact that whereas your subconscious is a powerful tool, your consciousness can override the signals that your subconscious is giving you. However, if you are willing to create the changes in your life and you wish to. Your conscious can often go with the hints and signals that your subconscious is giving you. The mind may be a powerful tool, and the by having a sense of unity in your subconscious and acutely aware, you'll make positive changes through hypnosis.

There are plenty of ways that you'll participate in hypnosis. In order to receive positive changes through hypnosis, you would like to search out a technique that you're comfy with and harbor feelings of trust for. Trust is fundamentally important, as it is needed to permit yourself to totally relax and be receptive to the hypnosis. If you have doubts on the performance of the hypnosis, it will not be as effective as if you have confidence in the hypnotherapy. The more receptive you are to the hypnosis, the quicker your subconscious can be altered by the hypnosis. In several things, you can expect to see positive changes in your life inside days of starting hypnosis therapy.

Self hypnosis through scripts obtainable on the web is quickly growing in popularity among practitioners, as there is no outside trust required in order to benefit from hypnosis. Another popular methodology of hypnosis goes to a professional hypnosis clinic to own your session done by a real practitioner. This can be well-liked because of the very fact that it is a lot of easier to own a better level of trust and confidence during a professional.

If you wish to see positive changes in your life due to hypnosis, you wish to permit yourself the opportunity and read hypnosis with an open mind. Failure to try and do thus will solely result in disappointment. - 31521

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Tips On How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

By Rocky Vasquez

Getting back your girlfriend after a fight or breakup can be a daunting task. Before you go for it you most likely need to ask yourself some questions. Most important, do you need her back because you truly love her for who she is or because you would be ashamed to be seen by your friends without your 'trophy'? Was your relationship a positive one, where common ideals and goals were shared or did the relationship consist mostly of fights and disagreements?

If you think you and your girlfriend have something special and you know way down inside that she is the love of your life, then you owe it to yourself and her to make a truthful attempt at getting her back. If this is the case don't sit and stew and let your mind play through 'what if' or 'if only I had done that' scenarios - this is simply not constructive.

You could be going through all sorts of emotions ; anger, regret, fear and pining. That is OK, it is usual. Realize though, all the backwards and forwards only wears you out. Make a decision to allow her go or get her back - that's it!

If you make a decision to get her back, then you have to decide how. You can go the direct, honest and heartfelt route, ( and this is what worked for me ), If that's all it takes consider yourself fortunate. Just tell her you like her and need her back and that you are willing to work at the relationship. If you feel you definitely made a mistake you have to be ready to ask for forgiveness, if you are feeling she was the one who screwed-up, you must be willing to excuse and not dwell on past insults or grievances.

If you want to be more manipulative - and you know she's jealous, just her seeing you with a fascinating woman may be enough to send her running back to you. You know your lady and if you feel that may work, go for it - just realize - that it may backfire. - 31521

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Chakra Clearing And Cleansing- A Recipe For Success!

By Jai Dahalli

In the modern world it is very important to keep on reinventing yourself to ensure that you can achieve desired success, equally important is to refresh the energy and desire in you so that you can push yourself to do your best.

There are various other determinants of uninterrupted growth which include the body strength as well as the mental makeup and the passion within the heart of an individual. A fairly crucial part is played by centres of spiritual energy in your body as they help in development of the persona of an individual.

These points in your body help you to channelize your inner strengths into actual performance to help you attain the results you want. But even your inner strength can form rust if there is no regular development or timely refreshment and clearing chakras is a process that renovates your energies to bring out a new you.

It is important to recognize the components of our personality that are attached to each of the 7 chakras and work on them individually so that you do not lose out on any aspect.

Clearing chakras involves the release of the toxic energy within the body into the environment and capturing the positivity from the surroundings.

The various moves made by your body have different effects in the flow of energy, while positive energies come in on the occurrence of clockwise movements while anti-clockwise movements are required to eliminate the negativity.

On most occasions people can feel pain at various points however it should not be concerning as it only proves that energy flows in and out.

The chakras collect the energy from the heavenly structures and they use it for the apt functioning of the human skills and abilities.

It is often observed that you reinvent yourself every time with the act of clearing chakras and a lot of people do it periodically though the length of the period may vary from daily to weekly to biweekly.

It is often seen that once you have performed the act of clearing chakras, your response to situations not only becomes quicker and wiser but you also tend to come up better options and ideas. You will realise that people would come in contact with a new dimension of your nature and character.

The process of clearing chakras can start by paying attention to 1-2 of the circles of energy in your body and in the process try to get all your chakras cleared as only then you will be able to enjoy the advantage of your energies. People would be able to experience peace of mind as well as they tend to be relaxed.

In order to understand which chakra you need to clear you will not need to know rocket science but just feel the reactions of your body parts and then work on the chakra it relates to.

You require to be fit mentally as well as physically in order to survive in the prevailing competition, also you have to ensure that all your energies are channelized in the rights direction as if not adequate ratios are maintained in exchange of energies and certain chakras are not given the attention they deserve, the overall performance may be affected.

The spiritual energy has a potential role to play in the success of an individual in all fields and that has been realised by people practising this art. Also efforts are being made to understand the science of chakras in a better way.

You can bring a lot to your life in terms of happiness, satisfaction, achievements and success if you can practise and implement the fundamentals of chakras. A lot depends on how you approach it, chakra clearing would help you to approach your goals with a freshness of mind and body! - 31521

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The Power Of Subconscious Mind And The Universe

By Kevin J Lockwood

There is literally nothing in all creation which is as powerful and as influential as the power of the mind. Bear in mind that each and every word you utter originates from your mind, just as your actions do as well. While certain actions are a result of your conscious mind, others are manifested on the subconscious level.

A perfect example of this can be witnessed when we sit down to watch TV. In some cases we don't like what we're watching and so we decide to change channels and watch something else instead. This is an action of the conscious mind. On other occasions, we reach for the remote and we flick through the different channels for no apparent reason. This of course is an action on the subconscious level, but have you ever stopped to think about what made you do it? Because this was an action on the subconscious level you probably never gave it a second thought.

How does something like this actually happen? In all probability, something came on TV which you don't really like and your subconscious mind, knowing it was something you don't like, triggered a reaction so that you wouldn't have to endure it. This just goes to show how much of an impact your subconscious mind can have on the way a person behaves. This type of occurrence also helps to emphasize the importance of training yourself to use the power of your subconscious mind so that you can use it to improve the quality of your life to an extent you probably never believed to be possible.

What many people don't realize is the fact that the power of the conscious mind is so vast that it's almost unimaginable, and that providing you can learn how to harvest that power, you can live your life to the fullest. So often we are told that our subconscious mind is full of evils and darkness, and while it may be beneficial to understand the darker side of psychology, focusing entirely on negative aspects should be avoided altogether.

Because of this it is crucial that you focus primarily on the positive aspects of your life, and how you can gain control over your subconscious mind in order to make self improvement possible. Even though this may at first seem as though it is a complex process, you'll soon discover that rather than being complex, it's simply a series of simple processes. These simple processes can in turn allow you to harness the power of your subconscious and that in turn will help you to reach your full potential. So, without any further procrastination, let's take a look at how you can go about achieving this.

One of the easiest ways to gain control over the subconscious mind is by using affirmations. Essentially, affirmations require you to remind yourself consistently of a certain aspect of your life in order to bring about a desired change.

Let's say for example that you were told to complete a specific task but you felt as though you simply weren't capable of doing it. Being in a position like that would more than likely leave you feeling anxious and exhausted because of the way in which your mind responds to a stressful situation. Because of these feelings, you would inevitably be drained of energy and as a result, you would have even less chance of completing the task successfully. On the other hand, if you made to use of affirmations, you would without a doubt be able to overcome your to negative state of mind, and as a result, you would be better equipped to take on the job.

In order to use affirmations in a situation like this, you would need to remind yourself as to the benefits you stand to gain should you complete the task. In fact, you could maybe stand in front of a mirror and remind yourself that you are by far the best person there is for the job. In fact, you need to convince yourself that by the time you're finished with the job, it will be one of the best creations in the world.

Apart from helping you to overcome mental blockages, affirmations can also help you to kick certain habits such as eating too much, drinking too much, and even smoking. Several scientific based studies have shown that you can access the power of your subconscious mind by using repetitive affirmations.

Over and above using affirmations, there are also a number of other things you can do in order to take control of your subconscious mind. For example, you could attend sessions with a professional hypnotherapist. Alternatively, you could choose to use self hypnosis instead, together with various audio recordings designed specifically for this purpose.

While both of the above mentioned methods are known to be highly effective, there is however another process which is still relatively new, and this involves synchronizing the brain waves of the two hemispheres in the brain. This process, known as binaural beats, employs the use of different sound frequencies played into each ear through a set of headphones. The frequencies used are only slightly different from each other but it is sufficient enough to result in an almost instantaneous meditative state of mind. Of course, it is this state of mind which is ideal in terms of allowing the conscious mind to communicate with the subconscious mind.

In fact, there is much evidence to suggest that this process can be taken even further. For example, Buddhist monks often have so much control over the power of their subconscious minds that they are able to perform actions which many consider to be supernatural. Perhaps you have read or seen some of these powers in action where monks are believed to be able to levitate and even become invisible.

Books and movies have made a huge effort in trying to explain how it's possible that people can essentially manipulate matter by using the power of the subconscious mind. This a phenomenon is nowadays known as the 'Law of Attraction' and it is not only a theory, but rather a fact in that it's a physical law which has been proven to work. In other words, you can get certain things out of life simply by communicating successfully with your subconscious mind.

Admittedly, this may sound a bit far fetched, but thanks to advances in quantum physics, it has been possible to prove that many of the ancient religions have been right all along in saying that the reality we live in is simply a product of the human mind. Even mysteries such as psychic capabilities, has been explained in scientific terms thanks to advances in quantum physics.

Most people don't realize just how vast the power of the subconscious really is and that's why it's imperative to focus on the benefits of manipulating and controlling the subconscious mind. Apart from being able to change your behavior, by using the power of your subconscious mind, you'll discover a passage to the life of your dreams. - 31521

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Dealing With Relationships, Loss And Anxiety Through Finding Your Voice

By Stephen Daniels

The constant stream of internal conversation in your mind that is present even when you aren't aware of it is called self-talk. Within all that chatter is your voice -- the part that expresses who you are at your core. Being able to listen to your own voice and utilize positive self-talk can help women more effectively deal with loss, anxiety and relationship problems.

Often, however, finding one's own voice amidst the rest of the chatter is not an easy task. Remarks of parents and other significant people from throughout your life can replay in your mind and become so entangled in your thoughts that sorting out which are your own ideas and which are appropriated from others is a challenge. Seeing a qualified therapist with experience in women's counseling can be a great help in identifying these various thoughts.

Learning the difference between your voice and the internalized chatter of others is important. Your real voice represents your true feelings, wants and needs. It also reflects logical expectations and outcomes. Qualified counselors have several different methods to aid you in this process. Working as a team with a counselor, you'll learn to tune into your self-talk and notice what it says about how you react to events or situations. This will help you identify unreasonable thinking and replace it with positive, reasonable thoughts.

Using your voice to express feelings of loss, irrational anxiety, or frustration over not achieving the relationship you have desired is the first step in healing. Your feelings are valid and deserve attention, no matter what you are experiencing.

Establishing new habits and methods of thinking is not easy, but positive self-talk can make a huge difference in your relationships and in how you face issues like loss and anxiety. As you enhance your own thought processes and learn to counteract negative thoughts that formerly went unnoticed, problems that formerly seemed insurmountable often become more manageable and are put into a more realistic perspective.

Discovering your own voice will reinforce your self image. You'll be able to use it to express your feelings and thoughts in positive ways. This will help you deal more effectively with issues in every aspect of your life. It can also help you achieve greater personal integrity, and become the woman that, deep down, you have always wanted to be. The right professional counselor is a huge help as you undergo this transformation. - 31521

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Subconscious Mind Secrets And Myths

By Geoff Vincent

Of course it's safe to say that everybody is aware of the fact that they have a subconscious mind. In fact, many people are quick to place the blame on their subconscious mind when they've done something which they later end up regretting. Ironically, not many people seem to realize just how powerful the subconscious mind can be, and even fewer people realize that while the subconscious mind can be your greatest friend, it can also be a deadly enemy. Either way, it's one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal because it is to your subconscious mind which actually controls the way you live.

Even though many professionals have tried to convince us otherwise, the vast majority of people acknowledge the fact that they have a subconscious mind, and that it is literally a mind within a mind. As such, one could compare it to a control board, in that it is able to direct us to carry out certain actions and to think certain thoughts. You could also view it as being that voice inside your head that you hear when you're in times of trouble. Of course, each person's subconscious mind communicates with them differently from the next. In other words, no two people have the same sort of subconscious mind even if they have been together since birth, and even if they grew up under the exact same conditions. In fact, not even identical twins have the same subconscious mind as each other.

Contrary to what you may believe, you have also heard your subconscious mind speaking to you in the past. For example, if you've ever been on the verge of making a monumental decision and a voice inside your head managed to speak you out of it, then that was your inner mind talking. Obviously we all want our inner mind to talk us out of doing dangerous things but unfortunately it sometimes manages to convince us that we cannot do something even though we actually can. As such, your subconscious mind is basically what you think of yourself deep down, and if left unchecked, it can have disastrous consequences.

When you're having deep thoughts and your subconscious mind is telling you negative things, then there's very little chance that you'll end up enjoying your life the way you should. Fortunately however, there is something you can do in order to change the way you feel about yourself. In fact you can make your subconscious mind say good things rather than bad so that you can live your life in happiness.

For example, many people firmly believe in the power of affirmations in order to change the way they think. These are essentially statements of a positive nature which one can repeat to oneself several times throughout the course of each day. The beauty of this is that there's no need to spend vast amounts of money, simply because you can do it all by yourself, at home or even at work. Just take a moment to think about what aspect of your life you'd like to change, and then start thinking about yourself.

If you would like to stop smoking for example, then instead of thinking that you cannot kick the habit, you should rather be thinking how good it feels to be a non smoker. You should write this down on a piece of paper so that you can carry it around with you and read it to yourself whenever the need arises. You could of course also place a copy of it on the mirror, next to your bed, and even next to the toilet, so that you see the message as often as possible during any given day. Your goal should be to repeat this message to yourself as many times as possible each day until such time that your subconscious mind realizes that this is what you are wanting it to think.

In this example, you would soon start noticing that you're losing weight. On the other hand, if you had been using affirmations regarding becoming wealthy, you would soon see your bank balance increasing. The good news is that you can apply this technique to any aspect of your life. Sound too good to be true?

Let's take a look at another example which you may even be able to relate to. How often have you woken up a bit later than you should have, and the first thing you think is, 'I just know that it's going to be one of those days again'? You jump in the shower, only to realize there's no soap. You finish up and head to the kitchen for a quick cup of coffee before work, and what happens, you end up spilling coffee over yourself. By the time you get to work you firmly believe that it's definitely going to be one of those off days. Once in your office you're faced with several problems and just when you think things cannot get any worse, they do.

Now, if you're like so many others, you'll simply put it all down to coincidence but the only problem is, there is no such thing as coincidence. Instead, everything happens for a reason. In fact, it's usually your subconscious mind which is the reason.

Many people have already tried to explain this phenomenon in scientific terms, as can be seen in books like 'The Secret'. Even though it has proven to be extremely difficult to explain, this phenomenon has however become known as the 'Law of Attraction'. This law states that a person's subconscious mind actually creates reality rather than only influencing it.

Even though this may sound rather crazy, the fact of the matter is that it is in agreement with quantum physics. In fact, it has even been proven at a subatomic level, in that matter is intrinsically linked to the mind of the observer. Interestingly enough, many ancient religions have been trying to tell us of this ever since man can remember.

What you need to bear in mind is that because you can create your own reality with your subconscious mind, it is possible to create a reality of your choice. In fact, some of the wealthiest people in history have become wealthy simply because they have consistently believed and visualized themselves acquiring a vast amount of wealth. - 31521

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Past Life Regression - A New Life And Future

By Richard Frown

Its an interest of many individuals with a desire to learn of their past lives. Many religions worldwide strongly believe in the existence of ones past life. Most people are curious and want to learn about their past lives and a fact that you can change your present life for the better by using past life experiences positively.

Most individuals who discover their past lives do not realize that they can use this knowledge to improve their present life. The intriguing mystery of the subject, is what entices many individuals to explore their past lives. By going back to our past lives it is almost like being in a science fiction movie. And one of the things to consider with Past Life Regression are the positive benefits we can receive in our present life.

Research shows Past Life Regression has had good results treating people with emotional problems. And there is no doubt that positive changes can be made in your life by the remembrance of the disturbing experiences you had in that period of time.

To learn of your past lives requires an individual (hypnotist) specializing in hypnosis of Past Life Regression. You can also use self-hypnosis and other things that will be useful to you. To help you, use simple affirmations. This will help prepare your subconscious mind to open and accept your past lives. It is natural and more normal for the mind block out memories of past lives.

There are things that are necessary for you to know and understand before trying Past Life Regression.

Your past life and your present life are connected. Our subconscious has the memories of our past life deeply buried within. And we need to bring all those memories to our conscious mind.

Just having the knowledge of a past life will make life better for you. The information gleaned from these past life memories must be used for the benefits to effect our present life on a daily basis.

Learn from your mistakes in your previous life and keep from repeating them in your present life. Using the knowledge from the past life positively, in your life today, will enable you to live better.

Even individuals who do not believe in Past Life Regression or reincarnation can still be helped to improve their present life. They may consider the memories to be of an imaginary nature and they can still use this information to avoid mistakes of past lives from happening in their present life. This is a useful tool to help better your life.

A couple of excellent reasons exist to use Past Life Regression whether or not you do believe. According to experts the following are the two main reasons:

*When you make a positive change in your present life, its because of your experience with Past Life Regression. And this is because of your experience with a past life memory.

*If you think you are imagining all of this, its okay, you can still use this information to help better your life. The thoughts will clear your mind and will free you from everything holding you back.

What are the benefits can you expect using Past Life Regression?

*It can help in healing the emotional traumas of the past, that are creating havoc in your present life.

*Enabling you to make decisions and to think more clearly than before.

*Remembering if you have hurt someone or done something unethical and have suffered the consequences, you can change this kind of behavior. Remembering when you have done this will help you to look further at your actions in the present and not make the same mistakes again.

*By exploring your past lives you can bring out your hidden potential which is unrealized by you in the present. You may find skills and talents and other attributes that are hidden deep in your subconscious and discovering them may change your life in the present forever.

*You will begin to understand yourself better and also find out why you do the things that you do and know why you have certain characteristic and a certain personality. These will no longer be a mystery to you.

See what Past Life Regression can do to help you. You do not have a thing to lose and may well gain a lot. This is a great tool for you to use to change your life to the life you have always dreamt of. - 31521

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