Goldman Analyst Changes from ManhattanGMAT to Online Videos

By Zeke Lee

A former ManhattanGMAT student sent me a message saying he sought to increase the size GMAT Pill based on his positive experience in just initial few days of subscribing for the program. He said he was frustrated by the material in the marketplace including programs that he spent thousands for but ultimately found the most value in the GMAT Pill Online Program.

GMATPill: Hello everybody! Tour guide we've Paul with us here at the Paul, Welcome!

Paul: Hey what's going on, Zeke. Good to be here.

GMATPill: Paul, you have actually been a member of for just some days ago, isn't that right?

Paul:Yea. It was a couple days ago when I signed up. So far I've been a member for about 5 days.

GMATPill: Let's begin by going over your background first so listeners can get a sense of your role.

Presently I am considering school and would like to take my GMAT. I stumbled upon the GMATPill on Google as I was just thinking about different test prep businesses. I've actually done Manhattan GMAT-paid about $1500-$1600 dollars for it. But after taking the class and carrying out the videos I only felt like-I went through the books-I felt like most it was no very effective. I was seeking something else so I found the GMATPill and I was very impressed.

Copied I am looking at school and would love to take my GMAT. First I did ManhattanGMAT--paid about $1500-$1600 for it. I took the class, went through the videos but felt some of it wasn't effective. So I looked about for something else and encountered the GMAT Pill--was quite impressed, needless to say.

Paul: Really I was very frustrated by the test prep material in the marketplace. You can go out and go to a book store and buy books or you can take a test prep. And I really feel like this is a very expensive investment to discover the way to take this GMAT and I figure that must be a better way. And I think that the ways in which these test firms teach the GMAT are geared towards you using them time and time again or taking private tutoring. So it's just a huge investment and I there has to be a better way and GMATPill was very effective.

GMATPill: So you feel as if they kind of got you into their basic program and they tried to upsell you on their own tutoring sessions.

Paul:It's generally a 12 session class and you sit in the first. It's an introduction. You're left with some basic concepts. You need to read the book. A many the terminology is very confusing. At the end of the day you're studying terminology, you're discovering what logical predication is and you're learning these fancy terms-but you know when you're taking the exam-none of that is gonna be on there. You just must know that this sentence correction looks wrong or this data sufficiency is insufficient. You don't have to know all these fancy terms. And second, you're paying a lot. To your point about upselling-yea, they generally leave you sort of hanging at the finish. These businesses are incentivized for you to not comprehend the material cuz then you'll need to go back and buy additional material and get more tutoring.

Paul:It's usually a 12 session class and you sit in the first one. It's an introduction. You're left with some basic concepts. You need to read the book. A lot of the terminology is very confusing. At the conclusion of the day you're learning terminology, you're learning what rhetorical construction is and you're discovering these fancy terms-but you are aware when you are taking the exam-none of that is gonna be on there. You place your have to know that this sentence correction looks wrong or this information sufficiency is insufficient. You do not must know all these fancy terms. And second, you're paying a lot. To your point about upselling-yea, they ordinarily give you type of hanging at the end. These companies are incentivized for you to not comprehend the material cuz then you'll must return and buy additional material and get more tutoring.

Paul:I think what they're going to try and teach you is-they really try to drill into the material. It's so academic that the majority of people who are troublesome to get this done and over with-it's not time efficient, let's just say that. So let me present you with instance of why GMAT Pill is effective. If you go to a Manhattan GMAT class, they will talk to you about theory. Considers talk to you about all these different things that you need to not overlook. You think about 7-8 different things you must don't forget every occasion you consider a test question. It's the identical with Kaplan and Princeton Review-I've experienced the books. With GMAT Pill- the important thing is you realize his mindset. You can read all these books-and most people will don't ever arrive-will not ever get to that mindset. Zeke obviously figured out how to crack the GMAT and if you sit through plenty of of these video- there is plenty on the site-you start to think like Zeke.

GMATPill:So you feel like the academic approach versus the thought procedure that I show students through these film recordings-the thought process is actually better than the academic rigor that the other programs walk you through.

GMATPill:So you feel like the academic approach versus the thought procedure that I show students through these film footage-the thought process is actually better than the academic rigor that the other programs walk you through.

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